Intervention Services records contain information about intervention services that have been provided to a child. The records are for determining if a person has caused a child, of whom they are the guardian, to be in need of intervention.
Intervention Services records are confidential and the information can not be released except for the purposes set out in the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act. The act allows Intervention Services to give information to someone for the purpose of providing services to the child. This would be someone like a teacher, doctor, psychologist or foster caregiver.
Any person named in a record has the right to obtain information about themselves that is in the record under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
Request a record check
Some organizations require information from an intervention record check before allowing an employee or volunteer to work with children. Intervention Services will complete a check for you so you do not have to make a formal FOIP request.
- An intervention record check can only be accepted from the person who is the subject of the information. Identification is required with a full legal name and date of birth.
- The intervention record check will be released only to the applicant unless in the case of adoption where the applicant has provided consent to release the intervention record check directly to an agency.
How to get the form
To request a Child Intervention Record Check application form, you must email your regional office (emails listed below) and ask for the form to be sent to you.
- Once you have completed the form, email it to your regional Children’s Services office.
- By filling in and providing your consent on the form, you declare you are applying to work directly with children for the named organization.
General information
Intervention Services has records for Alberta only.
The information provided only relates to the guardian of the child.
Intervention record information is only one area to explore in your screening process. You should verify other information by other contacts and consider it in the context of:
- the type of position the person is applying for
- when the problem occurred
- how the problem was resolved
- what has happened since the problem
Connect with Children’s Services:
Calgary region
Email: cs.irccalgary@gov.ab.ca
Central region
Email: cs.irccentral@gov.ab.ca
Edmonton region
Email: cs.ircedmonton@gov.ab.ca
North region
Email: cs.ircnorth@gov.ab.ca
South region
Email: cs.ircsouth@gov.ab.ca