Non-profit learning webinars

Access free, live webinars on board governance basics, grant writing, roles of the board members and much more.

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Online webinars are offered by the Community Development Unit throughout the year to support the non-profit and voluntary sector in Alberta. Live webinars topics include board governance basics, grant writing, cybersecurity, roles of the board executives and many more.

All the webinars are for individual board members, volunteers and non-profit staff from any non-profit organization, as well as anyone generally interested in governance and operation of non-profits.

Register for a webinar

Webinar topics

Board Development Program (BDP)

The Board Development Program focuses on improving the governance and leadership of non-profit organizations through training on basic board governance concepts and responsibilities. The goal of this program is for individuals to have the basic knowledge, skills, and tools to be successful in their work as a board member of a non-profit organization.

These free live interactive webinars are repeated several times throughout the year. To access them, you can register for available webinars.

The topics in our online Board Development Program include:

  • Understanding the Non-Profit Legal Landscape
  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Board
  • Legal Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Board
  • Non-Profit Organizational Purpose and Planning
  • Financial Responsibilities of a Non-Profit Board
  • Risk Management for Non-Profits
  • Non-Profit Committees and How to Run Effective Meetings
  • Building a Strong Team of a Non-Profit Board
  • How to Foster Effective Relationships in a Non-Profit

Other topics

There are other webinars related to non-profits and their boards as well, including:

  • The Role of the Board Chair
  • The Role of the Board Treasurer
  • The Role of the Board Secretary
  • Cybersecurity for Non-techie Board Members
  • Strategic Thinking, Then Strategic Planning
  • Building Consensus

Grant writing

There is a lot of work to be done before you even start completing a grant application form. The Grant Writing 101 webinar explores:

  • preparation before writing grants
  • what funders are looking for
  • the components of developing a successful grant application

This webinar is intended to give you the knowledge to improve your proposal and grant writing skills and be able to apply these skills to improve your future applications.

For more information on learning resources on specific grants, go to Funding for non-profits.

Non-profit Bistro Webinar Series

Our goal in this series is to focus on a specific governance topics and take theory into practice. To that end, we partner with experts in the non-profit community to develop new resources that focus on the how-to aspect of governance of non-profits.

We are regularly developing webinars in this series. Some of the topics we have developed in this series include:

  • Basic Facilitation Tools
  • Create Your Own Vision Statement!
  • Create Your Own Mission Statement!
  • Create Your Own Value Statements!
  • Responding to Ransomware Attacks
  • Building Consensus Online: Lessons Learned
  • Dynamic Board-Staff Relationship: Staff Perspective
  • Responding to Ransomware Attacks
  • Restructuring a Non-profit Board/Organization

Recording of these webinars are available on our online courses page.

Register and attend

To attend our live webinars, you need to set up and account and register for available webinars.

Step 1. Create an Eventbrite account

Create an account on Eventbrite

Step 2. Register for a webinar

Search and register for a webinar

Step 3. Attend the webinar

When you register for a webinar, you can access the attendance link in your Eventbrite account.

Log in into your Eventbrite account and select ‘Tickets’ from the menu. The links are in the ‘Go to online event page’ for each webinar you have registered for.

Eventbrite also emails the attendance link for each webinar about 10 minutes before the webinar starts.

If you miss a webinar, a recording of that webinar might be available afterwards. If it is recorded, you can access the recording, slide deck and its resources in the online courses.

Board leadership events

The Alberta government collaborates with several provincial and local community organizations to offer training events across the province every year.

Board Leaderships offer a collection of engaging and informative events and programs focused on non-profits boards and governance. They provide networking opportunities as well as sessions on a wide variety of priority topics identified by the communities.


Connect with the Community Development Unit if you have questions about the resources or services:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-963-2281
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Previous Online courses