New and proposed legislation

New and proposed Government of Alberta legislation.

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73 results
The Municipal Government (Face Mask and Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Bylaws) Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 4) ensures public health policy is consistent across Alberta.
The Special Days Act (Bill 3) creates a new process to recognize special dates and help promote greater cultural awareness.
The Financial Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 2) implements aspects of Budget 2022.
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Recognition Act (Bill 1) celebrates Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th year of reign by recognizing the contributions made by Albertans.
The Electoral Divisions Amendment Act (Bill 87) honours the late MLA Manmeet Bhullar by renaming a constituency after him.
The Students First Act (Bill 85) enhances teacher oversight to improve student safety and give parents more confidence in Alberta’s world-class educators.
The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Amendment Act (Bill 83) enables a made-in-Alberta solution to keep more waste out of landfills while shifting the cost of recycling waste away from taxpayers.
The Election Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 81) improves election financing rules and makes voting easier. Prior amendments allowed referendums to be held on non-constitutional issues.
The Trails Act (Bill 79) updates trail management to improve trail experiences for Albertans.
The Alberta Housing Amendment Act (Bill 78) addresses the growing demand for affordable housing and improves access for those in need.
The Municipal Government Amendment Act (Bill 77) gives municipalities the tools to collect overdue taxes owed by oil and gas companies.
The Arts Professions Recognition Act (Bill 75) supports the importance of contracts, ensuring artists are paid fairly and encouraging greater respect for art as a profession.