Minister Ric McIver
Ric McIver was sworn in as Minister of Municipal Affairs on June 9, 2023.
Mandate letter
The Premier's mandate letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs outlines the objectives and priorities of the work they will focus on in their role.

The first set of legislative changes, aimed at reducing regulatory burden on Alberta’s municipalities, has been passed with Bill 25 – the Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act.

Alberta is the first province in Canada to allow taller wood building construction. Advancements in fire protection and technology mean we can do so without compromising safety.
Since Spring 2019, the Safety Codes Council has been eliminating duplicative paperwork and moving services online where possible, including for appeals, accreditation applications, and permit administration.
The oil and gas sector can now rely on registered engineers to authenticate equipment rather than upgrade or alter existing equipment, or engage a third-party inspection agency.
Government is focused on protecting the rights of landowners and operators and ensuring fair and timely hearings. We have made an investment of $1.7 million in staff and board members for the Alberta Surface Rights Board.
Key information
- We are meeting our commitment to provide municipalities with predictable, long-term infrastructure funding by developing the Local Government Fiscal Framework Act.
Our responsibilities
The ministry helps municipalities provide well-managed, collaborative, and accountable local government to Albertans. We also provide:
- funding supports for municipalities
- a system that strives to ensure appropriate safety standards for the construction and maintenance of buildings and equipment
- protections for new home buyers and required licensing for home builders
- province-wide support for access to public library services for Albertans
- safety codes, standards, and supports under the Safety Codes Act
- management of about 2.6 million acres of public land in the province's three Special Areas
- independent review and decisions on local matters by the Land and Property Rights Tribunal
In focus

Latest news
- Mar 19, 2025
Budget 2025 provides predictable and reliable funding for municipalities to advance local priorities.
- Mar 6, 2025
Budget 2025 strengthens stable and reliable funding for municipalities by covering tax exemptions for provincially owned property.
- Mar 5, 2025
Budget 2025 allocates more revenue stabilization funding to support the Municipality of Jasper and its residents and businesses.