Part of Forest pests

Mountain pine beetle in Alberta

Learn how Alberta is managing this destructive pest.

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  • Mountain pine beetle

Current status

  • Mountain pine beetle (MPB) are a destructive tree pest. When MPB populations grow to epidemic proportions they can severely damage Alberta's pine forests. Since 2007 Alberta has managed MPB in multiple ways and has achieved favorable outcomes. Between the most recent population peak in 2019 and 2023, MPB populations have declined provincially by 98%.
  • In Alberta, MPB has now transitioned to endemic population levels over the majority of their range. At these endemic levels, MPB is not overly destructive, weakened trees will be killed by the beetles but generally, these trees will be few and far between.
  • The Alberta government will continue to monitor annually for any increases in MPB populations by means of aerial surveys.


For more information on MPB, see Forest pests and damage agents.


Connect with Alberta Forestry and Parks Forestry Division:

Talk to Alberta Forestry and Parks staff in your area: Forestry Area Office Contacts

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