Modernizing how government manages public property

The Real Property Governance Act, 2024 centralizes government oversight of public property assets.

Status: The Real Property Governance Act, 2024 received Royal Assent on May 16, 2024
Ministry responsible: Infrastructure


The Real Property Governance Act, 2024 (formerly Bill 13) helps modernize how government manages public property to improve accountability and transparency.

The Real Property Governance Act ensures consistent handling of public property sales across the government. It also mandates that departments and consolidated entities offer the transfer of public property to Infrastructure prior to sale.

Under the previous decentralized model, policies for the disposal of land and buildings varied across government, making it challenging to resource its priority projects.

Key changes

The Real Property Governance Act, 2024:

  • creates a centralized inventory of public property to help government better manage these assets
  • ensures that the Ministry of Infrastructure has the option to hold onto property that has strategic value
  • reduces administrative burden and red tape, allowing other government departments to streamline and focus on priority work
  • modernizes governance to enhance accountability and transparency to taxpayers

Learn more: Real Property Governance – Overview



Offers to transfer
