Part of Infrastructure

Minister’s Infrastructure Awards

Nominate government facilities projects that demonstrate outstanding performance in design, construction, environment and equality.


The Minister’s Infrastructure Awards recognize outstanding learning, health and government facilities that demonstrate outstanding performance in design, construction, environment and equality.

The awards celebrate those who spark innovation in vertical infrastructure and honour the work being done to:

  • improve our communities
  • drive economic growth
  • shape a brighter future for our province

These prestigious awards are part of the Ministry of Infrastructure’s commitment to ongoing partnerships with the design and contractor industries within Alberta who support the successful implementation of numerous design and construction projects throughout the province.

The awards will be presented on October 7, 2024, at the 2024 Infrastructure Partners Conference banquet, at the Edmonton Convention Centre.

Nomination deadline is August 23, 2024, at noon.


Nominations criteria

  • Public design or construction of learning, health, or government facilities.
  • Projects completed within the past 2 years are eligible with demonstrated results in the nominated category. Preference is given to nominations that have measurable outcomes. There is no limitation or restriction on the scope or scale of the innovation.
  • Projects with more than one innovation category must have separate submissions for each innovation category. Explain how the project meets the innovation category.
  • Projects are not eligible to receive multiple award categories.
  • Submissions should be written for a non-technical audience.
  • Projects that focus on a ‘first’ in Alberta. The innovation can be original, or an adaptation of a technology or process used outside the province.


Eligible nominees to receive the award include:

  • Members in good standing of either:
    • Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA)
    • Consulting Architects of Alberta (CAA)
    • Alberta Construction Association (ACA)
    • Edmonton or Calgary Construction Associations (ECA,CCA)
  • Employees of a business unit of Alberta Infrastructure
    • To be eligible, Infrastructure employees must be partnered on a nomination with one or more organizations from the list of eligible recipients above.

Self-nominations and second-party nominations are encouraged.

How to nominate

Nomination deadline is August 23, 2024, at noon.

Step 1. Read the guidelines and fill out the nomination form.

Download and complete the nomination guidelines and form.

Step 2. Submit the nomination

Email completed nominations to:

Cam Munro
Standards and Specifications Specialist
Alberta Infrastructure
Phone: 780-422-7456