Metis Settlements Protocol Agreement and Statement of Intent – March 29, 2023
On March 29, 2023, the Metis Settlements General Council (MSGC) and Government of Alberta signed a Protocol Agreement to solidify their shared commitment to the long-term sustainability and success of the Metis Settlements. A Statement of Intent on enhanced community policing for the eight Metis Settlements was also signed.
More information can be found in this news release and in the corresponding agreements below.
- Constitution of Alberta Amendment Act, 1990
- Metis Settlements Act
- Metis Settlements Land Protection Act
- Metis Settlements Accord Implementation Act
- Alberta/Metis Settlements Accord, 1989
- Protocol Agreement with Metis Settlements General Council
- Statement of Intent: Enhanced Community Policing for Metis Settlements
Co-management agreement
The original Co-Management Agreement (CMA) was signed by the Minister of Energy, the 8 Metis Settlements, and the MSGC in 1990.
The CMA established the processes for sub-surface mineral exploration on the Metis Settlements.
Alberta maintained ownership of mines and minerals but the CMA allowed the Settlements to negotiate:
- a royalty with an oil and gas development company with a secured mineral lease under Metis Settlement lands
- an equity participation with the successful bidder on a mineral lease up to 25% in any development
The following amendments were made to the CMA in May 2013:
- The opportunity for a 100% owned Metis Settlement Corporation to secure a direct purchase from Alberta Energy and Minerals for a mineral lease, outside of the public offering process.
- The right of a 100% owned Metis Settlement Corporation to bid on public offering mineral leases.
- The requirement for benefits proposals, which describe the benefits that the operator proposes to the Metis Settlement, as part of an operator’s bid in the public offering process.