The Land Use Secretariat is gathering feedback to help evaluate whether the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan remains relevant for the region and how effective it has been.
Implemented in 2012, the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan guides the Alberta government's environmental management, addresses growth pressures and supports economic development in the Lower Athabasca region.
This review does not amend, repeal or replace the regional plan. The observations and recommendations of the Review Panel Report 2015: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan will also be considered as part of this review.
Get informed
Learn more about the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and the 10-year Review:
- Lower Athabasca Regional Plan: 10-year Review Background and Overview
- Lower Athabasca Regional Plan: 10-year Review Trends and Growth Outlook
Additional background information is available, including:
- Lower Athabasca Regional Plan
- 5-year Evaluation report
- Implementation Progress Reporting
- Review Panel Report 2015: Lower Athabasca Regional Plan
Get involved
Online survey
Complete an online survey to share your perspectives on the ongoing effectiveness and relevance of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan.
The survey consists of a summary section for high-level feedback, followed by 7 outcome-specific sections for more in-depth feedback.
The survey structure is represented visually in this map to help you navigate the survey and provide input.
Stakeholder and Indigenous engagement
Staff from the Land-use Secretariat and government ministries will meet with Indigenous communities and organizations, municipalities and targeted stakeholders, to get feedback on the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan review and priorities emerging in the region. For more information, visit the 10-year review webpage.
Your feedback will help us evaluate the relevance of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and the plan’s effectiveness in meeting its objectives to sustain the region’s growing economy while integrating and achieving Albertans’ economic, environmental and social goals.
Questions and comments regarding the engagement can be emailed to LARP10-YearReview@gov.ab.ca.