Directory of licensed slaughter operations

Find provincially licensed abattoirs, mobile butcher, mobile butcher facilities or on-farm slaughter operations throughout Alberta.

Before you go to a facility, contact the company to discuss your request and confirm directions.

Types of slaughter operations


An abattoir is a premise that slaughters animals for the purpose of preparing, packaging or storing the meat. Meat from an abattoir is inspected and fit for human consumption, and can be sold to consumers, retailers or food services. The Alberta inspection legend verifies your meat has been inspected. Learn more about how to apply for, update or renew a licence to operate an abattoir.

Cultural and religious celebrations

Alberta values, respects and cherishes the diversity of people who live here. Cultural and religious celebrations throughout the year bring people together and often involve sharing and consuming food.

To celebrate safely and to safeguard your family’s health and safety, buy meat from an inspected source or from a local retailer.

Find religious slaughter services

A limited number of inspected and licensed abattoirs across Alberta provide religious slaughter services. Some abattoirs have given permission to be listed in the directory of licensed slaughter operations. If you are looking for this service, you can use the search filter in the section below to find a licensed abattoir that conducts religious slaughter.

Mobile butcher

A mobile butcher is an operation that will slaughter an individual’s animal on the individual’s land. The uninspected meat is only for consumption by the animal owner and their immediate household. It may not be sold or further distributed. Learn more about how to apply for a licence to operate as a mobile butcher.

Mobile butcher facility

A mobile butcher facility is a premise operated by a mobile butcher for the purpose of processing inspected or uninspected meat. The uninspected meat is only for consumption by the animal owner and their household. It is not for sale or further distribution. Learn more about how to apply, update or renew a licence to operate a Mobile Butcher Facility.

On-farm slaughter operation

An on-farm slaughter operation can sell a live animal to a customer who can then have the animal slaughtered and processed on the farm. The operation can also provide a location for others to conduct on-farm slaughter and processing activities. This uninspected meat is only for consumption by the customer and their household. It may not be sold or further distributed. Learn more about how to apply for a licence to operate as an on-farm slaughter operation.

Safe handling and transport

Learn how to keep unrefrigerated meat products safe after purchase.


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