Information maintained: Student information system database, which is the basis for awarding Alberta Education credentials, producing Alberta High School Transcripts of Achievement, providing services to Albertans, and analyzing student data for ministry-related programming. Data in the system may include: Identification: legal name, preferred name, mailing address, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, Alberta Student Number, French language eligibility status, primary language spoken at home, deceased status, citizenship, medical alerts, disclosure restrictions. Student Documents: document type, document title, link to organization flag, relevant flag, linked to school year, document date, document expiry date, document language, digitized flag, image page count, exempt from quality assurance (QA) flag, text searchable flag, quality assurance status, original file name, update date, updated by. Parent/Guardian Information: relationship type, name, home phone number, mobile phone number, work phone number, mailing address, physical address, email address, resides with student flag. myPass Connections: name of person, relationship to student, user type, connection status. School Enrolments: school, authority, school year, school city, grade level, registration type, registration status, start date, exit date, exit description, grant program codes, exception codes, enrolment type, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) self declaration, French hours of instruction, resident board. Courses and Marks: course name, course code, description, diploma course flag, course school year, course type, course mark/value, course credit, status, course enrolment date course entry date, course exit date, course partner post-secondary institutions (PSI), mark evaluation date, evaluation method, General Educational Development (GED) exam date, GED exam jurisdiction, GED exam language, GED exam format, GED form identification number, GED exam series, diploma exam date, diploma exam components, diploma exam type, diploma exam language, diploma exam rescored flag, diploma exam special sitting flag, official course mark calculation method. Accommodations: accommodation type, accommodation format, school, start date, end date, accommodation details. Credentials: credential type, credential in progress flag, credential number, awarded school year, awarded student name, awarded date, Career and technology studies (CTS) pathway name, CTS school year completed, CTS date completed, external credential name, external credential awarded date, external credential awarding organization.