Family Resource Networks (FRNs) provide supports and services to help Alberta families reach their fullest potential. A variety of services are available across the province for children and youth ages 0 to 18, and their families. Services include:

  • Child and youth development and well-being supports

    Provides age-appropriate programs geared towards promoting healthy development. Program participants of all ages are actively engaged in opportunities to build, strengthen, and master skills through a variety of programming and experiences. Services may include parent and child programs, youth leadership and outreach programs, as well as childhood developmental screenings and assessments.

  • Caregiver capacity building supports

    Includes parenting groups, seminars, classes or one- to- one support to help caregivers develop their parenting knowledge and the skills to provide safe, responsive, and nurturing environments.

  • Social connections and supports

    Includes services that promote positive connections between infants, children, youth, parents, families, caregivers and communities. Services connect participants to both natural and formal support by offering group sessions or one-to-one services to help families navigate community-based resources.

  • Home visitation supports

    Provides in-home parent education and family support services to expectant parents and those with children newborn to 6 years of age. Services are intended to support families who are facing challenges that may place their children at risk and keep them from developing to their full potential. These services focus on the well-being of families and help build healthy, strong communities. The agencies who are a part of the FRNs work to make sure infants, children and youth are safe and resilient, while supporting parents and caregivers.

Services provided through FRNs are available to all Albertans, free of charge, regardless of where they live.

There are 70 FRNs across the province. Each Network is located on the map below. For more detailed information regarding services offered by each FRN, please click on any Network.

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  • Program type: Child and youth development and well-being supports

  • Service description: Providing parents & caregivers with information and strategies related to infant, child and youth developmental stages. Programs and services will focus on brain development, ensuring children and Youth meet their developmental milestones, and provide a safe, secure environment where children can thrive, succeed, and build resiliency. Our services support parents to lay a strong foundation for their child’s future success, through increased knowledge and awareness of physical health and wellbeing, communication skills, emotional maturity, social competence, language, and critical thinking.

  • Role: Spoke

  • Phone: 780-594-4495

  • Web: Visit website

  • Address: 5220 54 Street, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada, T9N 1W2

  • Geo: ,
  • Program type: Home Visitation

  • Service description: The kiyôhkatowin Program (home visitation) works with parents and caregivers to support individual and family resiliency and wellbeing where they: • Promote and support parent-child attachment • Provide enhanced understanding of child development and developmental milestones • Provide educations and development of parenting skills

  • Role: Spoke

  • Phone: 780-826-4403

  • Web: Visit website

  • Address: 5101 50 Ave, Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada, T9N 2B1

  • Geo: ,
  • Program type: Caregiver capacity building supports

  • Service description: The wahkomiwew (being connected to people) works with families, children and youth to support their resiliency and wellbeing where they: • Intensive support for families dealing with issues such as addictions, mental health, involvement with Children’s Services, housing • One to one support and mentoring for youth ages 14-18 • Provide opportunities for connections to ceremony and traditional teachings

  • Role: Spoke

  • Phone: 780-826-4403

  • Web: Visit website

  • Address: 5101 50 Ave, Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada, T9N 2B1

  • Geo: ,
  • Program type: Caregiver capacity building supports

  • Service description: Parents/caregivers will be provided with services and resources that will assist them in developing skills and confidence for a healthy, responsive family. Parent Education Services will be flexible and accommodating, this includes: one on one, group settings or online. Self-referrals and professional referrals accepted. Child/youth development and well-being programs will support intellectual growth, critical thinking skills and connection to community. Programming will be available year round with some evenings and weekends.

  • Role: Spoke

  • Phone: 780-645-5311

  • Web: Visit website

  • Address: 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada, T0A 3A0

  • Geo: ,