
Alberta’s interactive drought map shows the drought stage for each major river basin in Alberta, plus the sub-basins of the South Saskatchewan River basin.

  • Drought Stage 1 - Monitoring and observation

    Drought stage criteria: The Water Supply Outlook indicates risk of water management thresholds not being met. There is an elevated risk of a priority call from senior water licence holders.

  • Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 0 - Drought conditions not occuring

    Drought stage criteria: The Water Supply Outlook indicates no risk of water shortage in water management areas.

  • Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 3 - Priority call management

    Drought stage criteria: With decreasing supply, the likelihood of receiving a priority call from a licensee, registrant and/or household user is expected. Assessment and administration of priority. Assessment and enhanced management of interprovincial apportionment.

  • Water-sharing agreement(s): 2024 Water Sharing MOU - Bow River Basin (not activated)

    Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 2 - Active management

    Drought stage criteria: Water management thresholds are not being met and stream flows are not forecasted to improve. There is increasing risk to water users and the aquatic environment.

  • Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 4 - Significant drought conditions in multiple water management areas

    Drought stage criteria: Conditions degrade to a point where a significant number of water users in multiple water management areas are impacted and are challenged to divert water, or the drought persists or is projected to persist with potential provincial or regional scale community, economic and environmental impacts.

  • Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 2 - Active management

    Drought stage criteria: Water management thresholds are not being met and stream flows are not forecasted to improve. There is increasing risk to water users and the aquatic environment.

  • Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 4 - Significant drought conditions in multiple water management areas

    Drought stage criteria: Conditions degrade to a point where a significant number of water users in multiple water management areas are impacted and are challenged to divert water, or the drought persists or is projected to persist with potential provincial or regional scale community, economic and environmental impacts.

  • Water-sharing agreement(s): 2024 Water Sharing MOU - Oldman South Saskatchewan River Basin (activated); 2024 Water Sharing MOU - Southern Tributaries (activated)

    Updated: 2024-08-14

  • Drought Stage 3 - Priority call management

    Drought stage criteria: With decreasing supply, the likelihood of receiving a priority call from a licensee, registrant and/or household user is expected. Assessment and administration of priority. Assessment and enhanced management of interprovincial apportionment.

  • Updated: 2024-08-28

  • Drought Stage 3 - Priority call management

    Drought stage criteria: With decreasing supply, the likelihood of receiving a priority call from a licensee, registrant and/or household user is expected. Assessment and administration of priority. Assessment and enhanced management of interprovincial apportionment.

  • Water-sharing agreement(s): 2024 Water Sharing MOU - Red Deer River Basin (not activated)

    Updated: 2024-08-14

Drought Stage Legend

  • Stage 0 -
    Drought conditions not occuring
  • Stage 1 -
    Monitoring and observation
  • Stage 2 -
    Active management
  • Stage 3 -
    Priority call management
  • Stage 4 -
    Significant drought conditions in multiple water management areas
  • Stage 5 -
    Severe drought conditions