Listing of historic resources

Find lands in Alberta that contain, or are likely to contain, historic resources.


The Listing of Historic Resources identifies lands in Alberta that contain or have a high potential to contain historic resources.

The Listing does not include all lands that may contain historic resources. When previously unknown historic resources are discovered or high potential areas are identified, their locations are added to the Listing.

The Listing is a tool that land owners, developers, industry representatives, and regulators may use to help determine if a proposed development might affect historic resources, including:

  • archaeological sites
  • palaeontological sites
  • Indigenous traditional use sites of a historic resource nature (burials, ceremonial sites, etc.)
  • historic structures

The Listing can inform development proponents about possible historic resource concerns and may be used as a tool in planning projects.

How it works

Used in conjunction with the Instructions for Use of the Listing or a relevant Land Use Procedures Bulletin, the Listing helps to determine if a proposed development needs approval under the Historical Resources Act.

The Listing indicates the Historic Resource Value (HRV), if any, that has been assigned to lands in the project area, and the Instructions for Use and the procedures bulletins explain the required action. In many cases, the required action is to submit a Historic Resources Application through the Online Permitting and Clearance (OPaC) system.

Some lands in Alberta have not yet been assigned an HRV but still have the potential to contain historic resources. For this reason, the Listing may not be the only tool used to assess a project’s potential to affect a resource. For some large or high-impact project types, submission of a Historic Resources Application is always required. The Instructions for Use and the Land Use Procedures Bulletins help make this determination.

You can search for HRVs online using the:

For more information on how to apply for Historical Resources Act approval visit the OPaC page.

Listing updates

The fall 2024 edition of the Listing is now available.

The Listing is issued twice a year, on April 1 and October 1. If you would like to receive email notifications when new versions of the Listing are released, register in the OPaC system and check the box indicating "I would like to receive email updates" located under My Profile.

Search the listing map

Search for HRVs using the Listing web map application. You can search by:

  • town name
  • street address
  • ATS location

See Tools Help in the web map application for more information about other map features.

Download the listing

Instructions for use


Connect with the Historic Resources Management Branch:
