Legislature grounds improvement engagement

Albertans shared perspectives to help choose a new design for the North Plaza wading pools on the Legislature grounds.


  • Open

    Online survey closed January 27, 2023.

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    April 2023

Who is listening

Ministry of Infrastructure


We gathered input from Albertans to assist in selecting a new design for the terraced wading pool area in the Legislature grounds' north plaza. 

Your feedback on 3 design concepts helped us better understand what elements and features are important so we could choose a new wading pool design that ensures Legislature water features are accessible, safe and fun for all Albertans to visit and enjoy.

The redesigned wading pools will be part of a larger project that includes refurbishments to the reflecting pool and ornamental dome fountain and improvements to walkways and decking. Construction for this project is expected to be completed by summer 2024.

Input received

Nearly 4,000 Albertans shared feedback through an online survey and on-site public engagement from January 12 to January 27, 2023, to help us choose the final design of the terraced wading pool area in the Legislature grounds' north plaza.

Reasons Albertans chose the "River" concept include:

  • tranquility
  • natural materials
  • use of planting/landscape for colour
  • more green space, less concrete
  • shade provided by trees
  • continuous flowing water 
  • maintained site lines of legislature building
  • accessible water animation


Your feedback helped us choose the wading pool’s final design concept: Concept C - "River".

Project work at the north plaza is underway and is expected to be completed in 2024.