Important dates
Application period: closed
Recipients notified: June 7, 2021
The Language Teacher Bursary for Online Courses helps:
- French and international language teachers in Alberta to improve their language proficiency, teaching skills and knowledge through an online summer course
- Alberta school authorities enhance their language teaching capacity
There are 10 bursaries up to $1,000 each for an online summer course in a language other than English, or language pedagogy.
As a recipient, you must submit the following documents to receive the funding:
- course completion documentation
- receipts for course fees
Contact Teacher Qualifications Service at the Alberta Teachers' Association to learn more about language course salary qualification and assessment.
Applicant eligibility
You must:
- be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person (visa students are not eligible)
- meet one of these Alberta residency requirements immediately prior to starting the online course:
- you have lived in Alberta for 12 consecutive months, or
- you live with a spouse or partner who is an Alberta resident
- hold a valid Alberta permanent professional teaching certificate
- demonstrate a background in language learning, or have recently started studying another language
Course eligibility
The course must:
- be delivered online in a language other than English or focus on language pedagogy
- develop language proficiency, cultural knowledge and understanding and/or pedagogy skills
- be completed between July and September 2021
How to apply
Step 1. Download and fill out the application form
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.
Language Teacher Bursary for Online Courses
Step 2. Get an endorsement
The School Principal Endorsement section in the application needs to be completed by your current or former school principal.
Step 3. Complete the application
Your application must include:
- a completed and signed application form
- signed School Principal Endorsement Form (page 5)
- a web address to a syllabus or brochure that describes the course:
- focus
- duration
- intensity
Step 4. Submit the application
Email your application to
After you apply
A selection committee will choose recipients representing a variety of grade levels and languages based on the:
- information in your application form
- program chosen
- school authority endorsement
If selected as a recipient, you must submit proof you completed the course indicated in your application to get the bursary. If you change courses after being selected, you will not get bursary funding.
Recipients may get a T4A from Alberta Education if the total value of the Language Teacher Bursary for Online Courses is more than $500. This amount must be declared in Box 105 on your tax return.
The application period is closed.
Connect with the Alberta Education, Language Teacher Bursary for Online Courses:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-5274
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)