Landfill and composting facility operator certification

Regulated landfill and composting facilities in Alberta are required to have certified operators.


All landfills and composting facilities regulated by the Alberta government are required to have certified operators. This includes any Class II and Class III landfill that only accepts industrial waste.

Composting facilities that are regulated through the Natural Resources Conservation Board do not need to have certified operators under this program.

Certifying Partners

The Alberta Landfill and Composting Facility Operator Certification Program involves industry associations as certifying partners. The certifying partners:

  • Administer exams
  • Manage certificates
  • Provide training programs

The Northern Lights Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA-NLC) and the Compost Council of Canada (CCC) are the certifying partners representing the landfill and composting industries respectively. Both organizations have training programs in place, and have membership subscriptions throughout Alberta and Canada.

Please consult the Alberta Landfill and Composting Facility Operator Certification Guideline for more information.

Basic Certification

All key operating personnel employed at a landfill or composting facility shall have basic certification after eighteen (18) months of employment at the facility.

A Basic Certificate is issued when an operator meets the appropriate experience requirements of the Certification Program and achieves a mark of 70% or better on the provincial certification exam.

Qualifications Required

An applicant for a Basic Certificate must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have at least one year of full time operational experience at a landfill or composting facility; the full-time experience requirement must be completed no later than three years from the date of application

Compost Facility Operator Study Guide

The Compost Facility Operator Study Guide is an educational resource to assist compost facility operators preparing to challenge the provincial compost facility operator certification exam. It also serves as reference material for certified compost facility operators about best practices on how to efficiently run a composting facility for public health and environmental protection.

The guide covers all the required learning outcomes for the Alberta compost facility operator certification exam. A compost facility operator needs to be knowledgeable in all the key competency areas to pass the certification exam. The key competency areas have been grouped into seven chapters in the study guide:

  1. Composting and Integrated Solid Waste Management
  2. Composting Process and Principles
  3. Composting Methods and Equipment
  4. Facility Operation and Management
  5. Math for Compost Operators
  6. Regulation for Environmental Protection
  7. Communication, and Health and Safety

Download the study guide:

Landfill Operator Certification Study Guide

The Landfill Operator Certification Study Guide is an educational resource developed by the Government of Alberta to help landfill operators prepare for and challenge the government's landfill operator certification exam. The study guide also serves as a best management reference for landfill operators on how to efficiently run landfills while protecting public health and the environment.

The Landfill Operator Certification Study Guide contains relevant topics and associated learning outcomes related to the certification exam. A landfill operator needs to be knowledgeable in six core competency areas to pass the certification exam. The six core competency areas have been grouped into six chapters in the study guide:

  1. Landfills and Integrated Solid Waste Management
  2. Communication and Occupational Health and Safety
  3. Regulation for Environmental Protection
  4. Operation and Management
  5. Landfill Siting, Design and Construction
  6. Monitoring, Control and Reporting

Download the study guide:

Continuing Education Units

Landfill and Composting Basic Certificates are valid for three years, at which time, re-certification requirements must be met prior to renewing the certificate. See the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Policy for more information, including lists of approved CEUs for landfill and composting facility operators.

If an operator or course provider is interested in adding courses to the approved list, please submit a completed application form for evaluating continuing education.


Connect with the Alberta Landfill and Composting Facility Operator Certification Program:

Richard Adjei, Senior Waste Policy Advisor
Phone: 780-427-0054

Contact the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) – Northern Lights Chapter for questions about landfill operator certification, including application forms, exam schedule and training courses:

Phone: 587-745-0807
Website: SWANA Northern Lights Chapter

Contact the Compost Council of Canada about composting facility operator certification, including application forms, exam schedule and training courses:

Phone: 1-877-571-GROW (4769)
Website: Compost Council of Canada