French-language content for this topic on Alberta.ca is currently being developed. Information will remain available on the Alberta Education website until this is complete.
La page correspondante en français est en cours de préparation sur le site Web Alberta.ca. Pendant cette période de transition, l'information qu'elle contient demeure disponible sur le site Web du ministère de l'Éducation.
Education Act
The Education Act sets out the goals, roles and responsibilities of Alberta's Early Childhood Services to Grade 12 (ECS to 12) education system.
Ministerial Orders
These 2 Ministerial Orders support the transition to the new Education Act and implement changes in the names of school jurisdictions under the Education Act.
- The Continuance of the School Divisions and the Board of Trustees Order
- The Continuance of the Francophone Education Regions and Francophone Regional Authorities Order
Provincial legislation
The following acts and regulations provide supplemental direction on key aspects of Alberta's ECS to 12 education system:
- Alberta School Boards Association Act
- Northland School Division Act
- Public Education Collective Bargaining Act and Regulation
- Remembrance Day Act
- St. Albert and Sturgeon Valley School Districts Establishment Act
- Teaching Profession Act and Regulations
- Teachers' Pension Plans Act
- Teachers' and Private School Teachers' Pension Plans
- Teachers' Pension Plans (Legislative Provisions) Regulations
Other provincial acts and regulations, while not specific to ECS to 12 education, must also be followed: