Part of Labour market

Job market trends and profiles

Current trends and insights on Alberta’s labour market.

These publications are developed with data provided by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada periodically applies standard revisions to estimates, and seasonally adjusted values from previous years may not reflect the most recent data available.


Current labour market information is essential to career practitioners, employers, teachers and students.

Whether you are doing workforce planning, hiring, offering career advice or exploring job options, you can get a better picture of the provincial labour force with data and in-depth information provided below.

Use the Alberta labour market information subscription service to receive timely updates, forecasts and reports directly to your inbox.


Job vacancy resources

Labour market highlights

The Alberta Labour Market Highlights provides a quick snapshot of the province’s labour market condition. Find information on factors affecting Alberta’s workforce and statistics showing the on-going changes in Alberta’s labour market.

Industry profiles

Demographics, estimated wages and employment trends are highlighted in profiles of 18 major Alberta industries below.

Labour force profiles

This series of profiles on target groups provides detailed information about their involvement in the Alberta labour force.

Alberta’s six target groups:

Census 2021 reports

A series of reports examining Alberta's labour market using data from the 2021 Census of Population.

  • Report 1 – Labour Force Statistics, Employment Income, Retired and Older Workers Highlights


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