International education is a broad term for initiatives that promote an understanding of the connections and differences between the world’s people. Alberta’s K to 12 education system helps students:
- work with others of diverse cultural origins
- appreciate a broad range of ideas, perspectives and values
- build relationships and collaborate
- develop global competencies and intercultural skills
Examples of programs and activities
- Student and teacher exchange programs
- International student programs
- International school partnerships
- Language and culture programs
- Visiting teacher and special language advisor programs
- Agreements and relationships with international governments and regions
International education programs help:
- students and educators gain international and intercultural knowledge, skills and awareness
- students and educators develop greater understanding and respect for cultural diversity while learning about different perspectives, practices and systems
- build Alberta’s globally skilled and trained labour force that contributes to increased trade and investment diversity
- bring more than 3,000 international students to Alberta K to 12 schools, providing long-term economic and social benefits for the province.
The Economic and Social Impact of International K-12 Students on Alberta summarizes the results of an impact study published in 2017. The study examines the direct and future financial and social impact of international students and the added impact of their visiting friends and relatives.
Global Affairs Canada estimates that international students contribute $30.3 billion to Canada’s GDP and support more than 350,000 jobs.
International Education Week
Celebrated annually in more than 100 countries, International Education Week takes place in the third week of November in support of international engagement and to showcase how international education helps students gain international and intercultural competencies.
Students develop greater understanding and respect for cultural diversity while learning from different perspectives, practices, and systems. In an increasingly global world, these global competencies are beneficial for students and their relationships with international communities here in Alberta and abroad.
Think Globally Collage Contest
For International Education Week 2024, Alberta students were invited to celebrate the benefits of international education through the Think Globally Collage Contest. The Contest encouraged students to further their understanding of the differences and connections among the world’s people and places by creating a collage that answered the question, “In my school, how do I interact with the world?”
As part of the process, students were encouraged to reflect on their own school experience and provide examples that represent language and culture learning, sharing ideas, perspectives, and values, and strengthening international and intercultural relationships.
Stay tuned for future International Education Week art contests!
Resources and activities
You can create an international education activity anywhere, and it can take many shapes or forms.
Here are some ideas and resources to help you celebrate and promote opportunities to learn about other cultures and places.
- The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) works to advance Canadian international education by creating and mobilizing expertise, knowledge, opportunity and leadership.
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) created an approach to Global Citizenship Education with goals relating to education for sustainable development.
- The United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) provides educational programs on global issues for youth and communities in Canada.
- The Global Goals for Sustainable Development outlines 17 goals shared by countries around the world as we work towards a more sustainable future. Learn more and get involved at Global Goals and World’s Largest Lesson.
Activity ideas
- Host a panel discussion with local representatives from international organizations to answer questions from students.
- Hold class discussions on topics like intercultural competence, international engagement or global partnerships.
- Video conference with an international school partner.
- School or class projects with one of Alberta’s internationally accredited schools.
- Set up an international-themed food festival.
- Host multicultural performances by student groups or external organizations.
- Showcase international films.
- Invite guest speakers to present on topics related to international education.
- Create events acknowledging international students in your school.
- Place exhibits or posters in your school or community to highlight facts from cultures or languages around the world.
- Present a language or cultural exchange program.
- Hold informational sessions showing how students and educators can get involved with international education initiatives.
- Meet with students over lunch to share a new language or cultural activity from around the world.
Connect with International Education Services:
Phone: 780-427-2035
Email (General information): intl.ed.sec@gov.ab.ca
Email (Exchange programs): studyabroad@gov.ab.ca