Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks

Collaboration frameworks must specify what and how services are funded and delivered with other municipalities that share a common boundary.

On April 6, 2023, the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) review period was extended one time from 5 years to 7 years.


Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) must align with the requirements outlined in Part 17.2 of the Municipal Government Act.

Frameworks are intended to:

  • provide for integrated and strategic planning, delivery and funding of intermunicipal services
  • allocate scarce resources efficiently in the providing local services
  • ensure municipalities contribute funding to services that benefit their residents

ICF requirements

Municipalities that share a common boundary must create an ICF with each other, unless they are members of the same growth management board.

Municipalities that are members of the same growth management board may create a framework with other members on matters not addressed in the growth plan or servicing plan.

Municipalities that do not have a common boundary may be parties to a framework.

Municipalities that are parties to a framework may invite an Indian band or Metis settlement to participate in the delivery and funding of services to be provided under the framework.

Each framework must:

  • describe the services that benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities
  • identify which municipality is responsible for providing these services
  • outline how the services will be delivered and funded
  • include a process for resolving disputes that occur while the framework is in effect

During ICF discussions, municipalities are encouraged to use mediation services to address any disputes.

Deadlines to complete initial ICFs were extended to April 1, 2021 instead of April 1, 2020.

An extension to April 1, 2021 was available for ICFs between:

  • municipal and improvement districts
  • growth management board members
  • a municipal growth management board member and a municipality within its boundary where both parties agree by resolution

Municipalities are required to review their ICFs every 5 years after the creation of the framework, or within a shorter period of time if provided for in the framework. As of April 6, 2023, this review period has been extended from 5 to 7 years.

Municipalities are required to notify the Minister when they have completed an ICF. Notification should be made by email to: [email protected].

Arbitration process

Municipalities unable to create the framework by the required date were to refer matters of disagreement to an arbitrator.

  • The arbitrator must have been chosen by the municipalities by April 1, 2021.
  • The arbitrator must have made an award that resolved the issues in dispute by April 1, 2022.


ICF Workbook: Resource Guide for Municipalities

The Rural Municipalities of Alberta and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association were funded by Alberta Municipal Affairs to develop the initial guide and the subsequent update on ICF.

This workbook was developed to help municipalities develop ICF with other municipalities. It provides tools and information-based resources to better inform municipal processes, decision-making and implementation related to the development of ICF.

Contact us

Connect with the Intermunicipal Relations team at Municipal Affairs:

Phone: 780-427-2225
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]
