Individual Teacher Bursary Program

Eligible teachers can receive funding for French language education training and professional development.

Important dates

2024-2025 Individual Teacher Bursary

  • Eligible courses, training and/or professional development must be completed between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025
  • Application form deadline – March 1, 2025 – Closed
  • Reimbursement form deadline – March 31, 2025

2025-2026 Individual Teacher Bursary

  • Eligible courses, training and/or professional development must be completed between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026
  • Application form deadline – March 1, 2026
  • Reimbursement form deadline – March 31, 2026


The Individual Teacher Bursary program may give eligible teachers up to $4,000 each year for post-secondary courses (including master's and doctoral programs), training, and professional development in French or related to French-language learning, education, or pedagogy.

We administer the program using federal funding provided through the Canada-Alberta Agreement for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction.

Bursaries are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


Applicant eligibility

Eligible applicants must:

  • hold a valid teaching certificate
  • be a current resident of Alberta
  • be a Canadian citizen or hold a Canadian permanent resident status (in accordance with the Citizenship Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act)

Eligible applicants must also be one of the following:

  • a teacher (Kindergarten to Grade 12) currently teaching in a francophone or French Immersion program or teaching a French as a Second Language course
  • a French speaking teacher on a secondment with an organization involved in the field of French teaching and learning
  • a teacher hired to teach French or in French in the coming school year
  • a teacher or supply teacher, administrator, librarian, counsellor, or other professional staff working with students who are learning French in a francophone school or French Immersion program, or studying French as a Second Language
  • a French program consultant working with francophone, French as a Second Language, or French Immersion teachers

The bursary is not available to individuals already benefitting from or being paid by conference organizers.

Courses, training and professional development eligibility

For the 2025-2026 bursary, eligible post-secondary courses (including master’s and doctoral programs) training, and other professional development must be offered in Canada in French or relate to French-language learning, education, or pedagogy, and must take place between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026.


Eligible applicants can receive up to $4,000 in a year to cover part of travel, tuition and registration costs.

Bursary awards paid directly to recipients are taxable.

The following costs are not reimbursed:

  • substitute costs
  • accommodation
  • meals
  • course materials
  • internet access
  • personal and other expenses not directly related to the course or professional development

Bursary amounts for courses

Table 1. Bursary amounts for courses​

Spring and summer courses (duration)Maximum bursary amount available per course
One-week course$600
2 week course$800
3 week course$1,000
4 week course$1,200
5 or 6 week course$1,400
Credit coursesMaximum bursary amount available per course
1.5 credit course$450
3 credit course$1,700
6 credit course$2,000

Bursary amounts for professional development

Eligible applicants may receive up to $550 for conference or workshop registration costs.

Bursary amounts for travel

Eligible applicants may receive the following amounts for travel if they live more than 100 kilometres from a course or professional development opportunity in Alberta:

Table 2. Bursary amounts for travel within Alberta

Distance to Professional Development LocationTravel allowance
100 to 200 km$100
201 to 300 km$150
301 to 400 km$200
401 to 500 km$300
501 to 600 km$350
601 km or more$500

Eligible applicants may receive the following amounts for travel if a course or professional development is outside Alberta:

Table 3. Bursary amounts for travel outside Alberta

ProvinceTravel allowance
British Columbia$450
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon$1,200

How to apply

We do not accept application and reimbursement forms submitted after the deadlines.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

Step 1. Complete the application form

Complete the 2025-26 Individual Teacher Bursary Program Application Form and get your school principal or superintendent to sign it.

The application form deadline for the 2025-2026 Individual Teacher Bursary is March 1, 2026.

Step 2. Submit the application form

Email the completed form to or mail it to Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP).

We will let you know if your application is accepted approximately 4 weeks after we receive it.

Step 3. If approved, complete the reimbursement form

After attending the professional development activity between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025, complete the 2024-25 Individual Teacher Bursary Program Reimbursement Form.

After attending the professional development activity between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026, complete the 2025-26 Individual Teacher Bursary Program Reimbursement Form.

Include proof of course completion or conference participation, such as:

  • transcripts
  • confirmation of attendance
  • a certificate of completion

The reimbursement form deadline for the Individual Teacher Bursary is March 31. Previously approved winter session courses ending after March 31 will be honoured.

Step 4. Submit the reimbursement form

Email the completed form to or mail it to OLEP.

If approved, we will mail you a cheque within 8 weeks of receiving your reimbursement form.

Cancellations and substitutions

Contact us if your pre-approved course is cancelled or if you want to substitute a different course.

You must get approval for the substituted course to keep your bursary and qualify for reimbursement. Substituting a course may change the amount of money you get.

Conferences and institutions

The national conferences and educational institutions on this list do not offer all the possible options for eligible courses or training. We encourage you to explore other opportunities as well.

This bursary may cover some courses offered via Explore. Please contact individual institutions to inquire about eligibility and requirements. Contact the institution directly to learn more about programs they offer.


Connect with the Alberta Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP) office:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-415-0614
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP)
Intergovernmental Relations Branch
Alberta Education
10th Floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
10044 108 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6