Minister Rick Wilson
Rick Wilson was sworn in as Minister of Indigenous Relations on April 30, 2019.
Mandate letter
The Premier's mandate letter to the Minister of Indigenous Relations outlines the objectives and priorities of the work they will focus on in their role.

Alberta government ministries are working together on a wide variety of initiatives to support reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.

The Community Support Fund supports Indigenous-led projects that address violence and increase the safety and economic security of Indigenous women, girls and 2S+ people.
The loan capacity of the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation was tripled to $3 billion to support even more Indigenous investments in major projects across Alberta.
The Aboriginal Business Investment Fund was increased to $10 million per year to support Indigenous community-owned businesses.
Key information
- Funds the Employment Partnership Program to support Indigenous people in training and employment.
- Operates the First Nations Development Fund, which provides grants for economic, social and community projects.
- Helps inform and guide consultations with Indigenous communities on the management and development of provincial Crown lands and natural resources.
- Continues its work to enhance the resiliency and well-being of Indigenous women, girls and two spirit plus people.
Our responsibilities
Indigenous Relations acts as a central point for Alberta’s government to build and maintain relationships with Indigenous Peoples, communities and organizations.
We ensure Alberta’s legal duty to consult is met. We also coordinate with other ministries, the federal government and First Nations on land-related claims and other initiatives.
In collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, communities and organizations, we promote increased social and economic opportunities through various funds and programs.
We are also leading the Alberta government’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and coordinating Alberta’s response to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Calls for Justice.
In focus

AIOC mandate now includes energy, agriculture, telecommunications, transportation and tourism.

The Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative supports Indigenous-led cultural and economic projects.
Latest news
- Mar 21, 2025
The Aboriginal Business Investment Fund propelled 20 dynamic Indigenous businesses forward in 2024-25 and is set to open for applications again this spring.
- Jan 4, 2025
Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement on National Ribbon Skirt Day:
- Dec 12, 2024
Alberta’s government has hired an Indigenous Patient Safety Investigator and Advocate to improve health care delivery and outcomes for First Nations, Métis and Inuit patients.