Implementing red tape reduction

Alberta is cutting red tape to speed up regulatory processes and attract investment.

Status: Bill 38, the Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act, 2025, was introduced on February 26, 2025
Ministry responsible: Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction


Alberta’s government is continuing to cut red tape to promote economic growth and help businesses, taxpayers and families save time and money that they can use to invest, create jobs and grow their business.

Eliminating unnecessary regulatory and administrative barriers also supports opportunities for expanding skills and training, driving innovation and diversification, and better government programs and services.

We receive recommendations on ways to reduce red tape directly from regular meetings with industries representing key economic sectors and online from Albertans. We continue to review these recommendations for potential action, focusing on high-impact, tangible changes that drive economic growth, job creation and better service delivery.

Bill 38, the Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act, 2025, was introduced on February 26, 2025 and would update 7 pieces of legislation across 5 different ministries.

Key changes: Bill 38

If passed, Bill 38: Red Tape Statutes Amendment Act, 2025 will update the following legislation. 

Proposed changes to the Post-secondary Learning Act and Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act would come into effect upon receiving royal assent.

Proposed changes to the other acts would come into effect upon proclamation.

Key changes: Bill 16

The Red Tape Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, (formerly Bill 16) received royal assent on May 16, 2024. It updated 12 pieces of legislation across 10 different ministries to eliminate more than 230 unnecessary requirements, and save Alberta families and businesses an estimated $1.5 million each year.

Key changes: Bill 9

The Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act, 2023, (formerly Bill 9) received royal assent on March 28, 2023. It amends 14 pieces of legislation across 9 different ministries, supporting outcome-based regulation, greater legislative clarity and improved service delivery through digital solutions, while continuing to ensure important health, safety and environmental protections that Albertans can count on.

Key changes: Bill 21

The Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 (formerly Bill 21) received royal assent on May 31, 2022. It amends 15 pieces of legislation across 9 different ministries, supporting economic growth and job creation while saving Albertans time and money.

Key changes: Bill 80

Most amendments of the Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021 (No. 2) (formerly Bill 80) received royal assent on December 8, 2021, while others will come into force upon proclamation. The act updates 9 legislation items within the following themes: economic growth and job creation, smart regulation, and improving service delivery.

Key changes: Bill 62

The Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021 (formerly Bill 62) received royal assent on June 17, 2021 and will come into force upon proclamation. The act updates 8 sets of legislation within the following themes: economic growth and job creation, smart regulation, improving service delivery, digital transformation, and harmonization (the ability for jurisdictions to work better together).

Key changes: Bill 48

The Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2020 (No. 2) (formerly Bill 48) received royal assent on December 9, 2020 and came into force on June 2, 2021. Amendments were made to 12 pieces of legislation to cut red tape and make it easier for businesses to operate, including speeding up approval times and clarifying rules. Amendments also focused on digital transformation, creating jurisdictional harmonization and improving service delivery.

Key changes: Bill 22

The Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2020 (formerly Bill 22) received royal assent on July 23, 2020 and will come into force on various dates. Amendments were made to 14 pieces of legislation to promote job creation and support economic growth, expedite government approvals, eliminate outdated requirements, and reduce the administrative burden on municipalities.

Key changes: Bill 25

The Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2019 (formerly Bill 25) came into force upon receiving royal assent on December 5, 2019. It included changes to 11 pieces of legislation to reduce red tape, streamline overburdened processes and eliminate outdated rules.