Implementation and the path forward

Outlining the path forward to implement the AHS review recommendations and transform Alberta's health care system.


Recommendations from the performance review of Alberta Health Services (AHS) represent significant changes to Alberta’s health system.

Current fiscal realities, combined with the growing and aging population who will be accessing the health system in the future, are creating challenges Alberta must be prepared to address or taxpayers will be left paying for soaring health care costs.

If we don’t act now, future governments will be forced to cut other needed services or increase taxes to cover health care costs.

Performance review

The AHS performance review report made 5 recommendations (numbers 53-57 of 57) to support a successful implementation that will position AHS and Alberta Health for success.

Some of the recommendations are straightforward and AHS and Alberta Health will implement those immediately. Many others are more complex and involve more sweeping changes. Some will take years to complete.

Over the next 100 days, AHS will work with its staff and clinical leaders to develop a comprehensive implementation plan that will be submitted to the Minister of Health for approval. There will be regular reporting to Albertans on implementation progress.


  1. Complete a formal leadership review of the executive leadership team, including its structure, capabilities, and readiness to deliver a large transformation program. The review should be actioned expeditiously so the results can inform the development of the implementation plan.
  1. Develop an implementation plan based on the fiscal targets and strategic priorities set by Alberta Health. AHS should lead the development of this plan in coordination with Alberta Health within the first 100 days of implementation.
  1. Establish an AHS Sustainability Program Office to drive the plan forward, with clearly defined resources, reporting processes and executive accountabilities.
  1. Develop an integrated change and communications strategy that will enable appropriate clinical and operational ownership of initiatives.
  1. Alberta Health should educate and regularly update Albertans, providing ongoing reporting to taxpayers to build increased awareness and understanding of the cost and performance of Alberta’s health system, thus establishing an important accountability interface with citizens for achieving value for money.

More recommendations

See the other AHS performance review recommendations:

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