Hinton Training Centre – Wildfire management program

The Centre offers training in wildfire management to thousands of participants each year.

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Alberta Wildfire designs and delivers more than 80 wildfire management training courses to our staff and workers. Most in-person courses are delivered at the Hinton Training Centre (HTC).

Alberta Wildfire is a member of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC). It is also an Agency Authority Having Jurisdiction (AAHJ) to deliver ICS Training for Alberta’s wildfire staff.

Wildfire training delivered at HTC is focused on delivering job-skills training that aligns with Alberta Wildfire’s safe work practices, standard operating procedures and guidelines.


Alberta Wildfire training is delivered centrally at HTC, at local workplaces, and online.

Training includes a mix of online learning, in class lectures, simulations and practical hands-on training.

For course description and prerequisite information, review the course listings.

This base training enables workers to begin functioning in a variety of roles, where they are directly supervised, coached and mentored on the job to become competent. This qualification/certification process can take many years – depending on the complexity of the jobs.

Course enrollment

To be eligible to attend wildfire management training at the Hinton Training Centre (HTC), you must be either:

  • a Government of Alberta wildfire management branch employee, or
  • an employee or contractor working in a natural-resource-based industry, sponsored by the Government of Alberta to attend a course or workshop

Government of Alberta employees and contractors

Government employees and contractors can register for training by contacting the nearest Forest Area training contact.

Employees from other provinces/national agencies

Register through your national training contact.

Online training

The centre offers a variety of online training courses.

User groupInformation
Forestry Division employeesFor a list of courses and passcodes, see the wildfire management branch SharePoint site.
Employees of other government departments, provincial/territorial governments or the federal governmentRequest access to training by contacting the HTC online help desk.
Contractors (non-government)To request access contact the provincial training contact representative closest to your business location to discuss sponsorship/approval to take.


Connect with online assistance:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (Open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-865-8200
General training questions: htc.registration@gov.ab.ca
Questions for online courses: htc.online@gov.ab.ca