Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors collects traffic volumes on provincial highways to inform:
- potential construction activities
- maintenance needs
- road design requirements
Highway traffic data and statistics
For traffic data and statistics on:
- Alberta highways in or near your community, use the traffic volume data map roads
- within major cities, such as Calgary and Edmonton, contact the municipality’s transportation department
Traffic statistics are estimates only. Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors does not assume any responsibility for the use of this data without expressed written consent.
Highway traffic data is updated every year by the end of March.
Traffic volumes at points on the highway network
The reports present average daily 2-way traffic volumes on Alberta highways.
Traffic data is collected from:
- approximately 390 permanent automated traffic recorder sites on highways throughout the province
- turning movement counts at approximately 2,700 intersections
Access the Turning Movement Count Manual to understand how turning movement counts are undertaken.
Using the traffic data, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors can determine:
- Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
- Average Summer Daily Traffic (ASDT) – calculated May through September
Locations of traffic count sites on Alberta highways are identified by:
- highway
- control section
- traffic control section
- municipality
These identifiers can help you locate sites on a map and select specific data for requests.
Access data about traffic volumes at points on the highway network (Excel format).
Traffic volumes for links on the highway network
These reports provide statistical information on:
- traffic volumes
- breakdown of various vehicle classifications
- travel on Alberta highways
Statistics are measured as weighted averages over:
- entire highways
- control sections
- traffic control sections
These statistics are estimated from data collected for Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors.
Access data about traffic volumes on links in the highway network (Excel format). This information is also available in PDF format, along with other reports, abbreviations, definitions, weighting procedure, legal descriptions and municipal codes.
For more information about traffic counts on Alberta highways:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-638-9410
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: tariq.bashir@gov.ab.ca
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
2nd Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3