The existing bridge, completed in 1970, is at the end of its service life and does not meet current highway standards or future highway needs. The new bridge will be realigned to improve safety, provide two lanes of travel for eastbound traffic over the river, and reduce the overall footprint within the river. Construction is anticipated to begin in Summer 2025 and will take about two years to complete, contingent on environmental permit acquisition and design completion.

Winter 2024/ 2025
- Project design and environmental permit acquisition
Summer 2025
- Construction is anticipated to begin
Summer 2027
- Construction completion is anticipated
Project Details
This project includes:
- Demolition and disposal of the existing eastbound bridge
- Construction of a new, realigned eastbound bridge over the Elbow River
- Completion of Highway 8 twinning from just west of Lott Creek Boulevard to the Calgary city limits;
- Road) and west of the intersection of Lott Creek Boulevard
Speed Reductions
Speed limits in construction zones are reduced to protect construction workers and drivers. Speed limit reductions may remain in place even when construction workers might not be onsite. Because of construction, hazards may be on the side of the road or within the lanes of travel that may pose significant risk to drivers and construction workers, including:
- reduced lanes/lane widths
- changing traffic patterns
- temporary signage and overhead lighting
- suboptimal grading
- presence of machinery
- temporary barriers
Drivers are reminded to obey posted speed signs. Speed limit reductions will remain in place during construction.
River Access
Parking along Highway 8 to access the river is prohibited. Access to the Elbow River is provided via Clearwater Park. Access to Clearwater Park is off Range Road 25. Due to limited parking, drivers are advised to visit the City of Calgary website for additional details.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian and multi-modal traffic are outside the scope of this work and remain the responsibility of the local municipality, Rocky View County. The project site will remain closed to all foot traffic during construction to ensure the safety of the public and workers. Pedestrian access in the area is restricted to designated walking trails. Information about walking path/ trail options, are available on the City of Calgary website.