This project will twin Highway 11 (David Thompson Highway) between Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. The David Thompson Highway leads to some of the most breathtaking scenery in Canada and is a popular route for the tourism industry. Twinning this highway will improve access for Albertans and visitors alike.

Highway 11 project map: 4 projects
Project details
The project will be completed in 4 sections, which are in various stages of development.
- Design, right-of-way purchase and utility coordination for Projects A, C and D
- Preliminary planning and public consultation on Project B
- Construction began on Project D in the spring and was completed in the fall
- Completion of planning study on Project B
- Construction on Project C started and completed
- Design, right-of-way purchase and utility coordination begin for Project B
- Tender anticipated to be awarded for Project A
- Construction begins on Project A
The twinning of Highway 11 between Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake will positively impact many communities along the highway corridor. The David Thompson Highway is popular among recreation users, industry and other exploring the west county.
Twinning the highway will make travel in this region safer and more efficient while also supporting tourism, and industry supply chains.
For more information on each project contact:
Project A
Chris Fehler, AECOM
Phone: 403-270-9204
Email: chris.fehler@aecom.com
Project B
Stuart Richardson, P.Eng
Construction Manager, Central Region
Construction and Maintenance Division
Transportation and Economic Corridors
Government of Alberta
Phone: 403-340-4867
Email: stuart.richardson@gov.ab.ca
Project C
Russell Pinchak, WSP
Phone: 403-342-7650
Email: russell.pincak@wsp.com
Project D
Andrew Blackie, McElhanney
Phone: 780-809-3200
Email: ablackie@mcelhanney.com
Provincial Building
4920 51 Street
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6K8