Great Kids Award

Nominate an outstanding child or youth who has achieved great things while overcoming life’s challenges.

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Great Kids Award


The Great Kids Award honours children and youth who inspire and change the lives of others, and help to build stronger communities. These great kids exemplify the qualities of resiliency, leadership, determination and strength, and have often overcome a wide variety of challenges to make a positive impact in our province.

By recognizing and sharing their stories, the Great Kids Award aims to inspire all young people to go above and beyond the average kid to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

The Great Kids Award has been in existence since 1999.

Nomination status

  • The 2022 award winners have been chosen.
  • Nominations for the 2023 awards will open in winter 22/23.

2022 Award recipients

In June 2022, the Alberta government awarded 16 young people the 2022 Great Kids Award for inspiring and changing the lives of others while overcoming challenges and hardships.

Read about the 2022 Great Kids Award recipients.

What great kids receive

All Great Kids Award nominees receive a letter of recognition.

Award recipients receive:

  • a letter from the Minister of Children's Services
  • a personalized plaque
  • their story featured on


Eligible nominees

Nominees must be residents of Alberta with an Alberta address. Nominators can live outside of Alberta.

Nominations from family members and parents are accepted, but nominators outside the child’s immediate family are encouraged.

If the child is 4 years old or younger by the nomination deadline, nominate them after they turn 5 years old.

Ineligible nominees

  • Children and youth cannot nominate themselves.
  • Youth who are 19 or older by the nomination deadline cannot be nominated.
  • Pairs or groups of children and youth cannot be nominated.
  • Children and youth who do not reside in Alberta cannot be nominated.

Nomination process

There are 16 awards given out across 4 age groups:

  • ages 5 to 8
  • ages 9 to 12
  • ages 13 to 15
  • ages 16 to 18

Nominations for 2022 are closed.


Connect with the Great Kids Award team:

Hours: 8 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-887-8752

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