Feedback from Albertans is an important part of film classification. Alberta Film Classification uses a variety of methods to monitor and evaluate audience expectations of suitable film content.
Outreach and listening to Albertans is an important part of how we develop policy and guidelines for rating movies.
Up-to-date film ratings
Alberta publishes new film ratings daily online:
- View ratings for movies now playing in Alberta
- View ratings for the most recently rated movies
- View ratings for the most recently rated trailers, commercials and public service announcements (PSAs)
- Search for a movie rating
In addition to publishing film ratings online, you can also access film ratings information and keep in touch with Alberta Film Classification by following @abfilmratings on Twitter.
Submit feedback
Your feedback is an important part of film classification. To submit your comments and questions about film classification in Alberta or about the rating of a specific film:
- Email: filmratings@gov.ab.ca
Join group discussions
To provide feedback about film content and Alberta’s film ratings system as part of a group discussion, you may wish to participate in a film screening and discussion or a reconsideration panel.
Film screenings and discussions
We host movie screenings and discussions on an ongoing basis to help inform policies regarding how films are rated in Alberta. We want to hear your perspective on the role of problematic content in recent popular films and your views on the appropriate rating.
Based on interest and available resources, screenings can be hosted in communities across the province.
If you have any questions about this project, email filmratings@gov.ab.ca.
Reconsideration panels
Film distributors sometimes disagree with a rating applied to a film in Alberta and a reconsideration panel is held. When this happens, we ask community members to sit on a panel to view the film and recommend a rating.
Please note that reconsideration panels are rare and only take place in Edmonton.
Sign-up for a group discussion
Fill out the form if you are interested in participating in film screenings and discussions or to be part of a reconsideration panel. Alberta Film Classification will contact you about participating in a screening in your community or a reconsideration panel when spots are available.
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