Call 310-FIRE (3473) to report a wildfire in a forested area.
What you need a fire permit for
You will need a fire permit for any burning in the Forest Protection Area (FPA), with the exception of a campfire, from March 1 to October 31.
Fire permits ensure safe burning practices and allow staff to know where burning is approved so firefighters and aircraft are free to fight wildfires. Your municipality may have its own rules and restrictions in place. Contact them for further details.
For more details about safe burning practices, see Safe burning.
How to get a fire permit
You can get a free fire permit online.
You will need:
- either an Account or Account for Organizations
- a description of the burn material(s)
- the location(s) of the burning activity
- any applicable photos or attachments
If you need help, see the Online Fire Permit System User Guide.
You can also request a fire permit by contacting your local forest area office.
For more information, see Fire permits: Safe burning practices.
After you apply
An Alberta Wildfire representative will contact you within 3 business days to discuss your permit request and arrange a time to perform an onsite visit. If your burn site meets the guidelines, you will be issued your permit, which will outline the conditions under which burning can be conducted.
A submitted request is not an approval to burn. Burning without a valid permit or outside of the permit conditions can result in fines of up to $600.
Check Fire bans before you burn, the Alberta Wildfire has a tiered fire ban system that may restrict or suspend your permit to reduce the likelihood of preventable wildfires in the FPA of Alberta.
Information line: 1-866-394-3473 (FYI-FIRE)
Media inquiries: 780-420-1968