Geometric and roadside design

Standard plates, design guides and quality assurance testing guidelines.


Geometric and roadside design is the blueprint for our roads. It's not just about making them look good but also making them safe and efficient for everyone. Engineers use geometric and roadside design to figure out how the roads should curve, how wide they should be, and how steep they can be. It is key to creating roads that work well for us now and in the future, plus making our communities safer and more connected.


Outlines roadside design principles, practices and guidelines.
Uniform approach to highway design and encourages the provision of safe and efficient roads for people traveling on Alberta highways.
Standard drawings for ‘Standard Specifications for Highway Construction’ as well as planning, design and construction guidelines.
Downloadable geometric parameters data for most of the highways in Alberta.
Use this guide to evaluate a planned transportation project by determining what new value it will have, and if it is advisable.
Road construction and bridge test procedures and guidelines.


Hwy 2 HTCB Final Report – This report is the Safety and Cost Effectiveness Evaluation of a 135km Median High Tension Cable Barrier system on a rural high speed divided highway.

Design exceptions – These are defined as instances where a designer has chosen or is requested to use a parameter, guideline, principle or product which is different from the currently published standards and/or practices.

Design bulletins – Some updates to road geometric design practice that are not yet reflected in the guide can be found in the Design bulletins page.