First steps

Before you apply for an exemption from regulations, make sure you do this:

  1. Review the government’s existing exemptions (online tool).
  2. If the exemption you are seeking is listed in the online tool, follow the instructions specified for that exemption.
  3. If the exemption is not listed, review the application process thoroughly.

Exemption applications

The application process for new regulatory exemptions cannot be used to:

  • appeal decisions made about existing exemptions (those listed in the online tool)
  • request exemption to public health restrictions

Exemption reviews

All exemption applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Guide and worksheet

To help make applying for an exemption easier, first prepare a draft of your application by filling out the Application for New Regulatory Exemption – Guide and Worksheet.

When you are satisfied with your draft application, transfer your responses into the online application form below.

Application form

Fill out this form online to apply for a one-time, short-term exemption from regulations – if an exemption does not already exist.

You cannot save your progress in this fillable form. We encourage you to use the guide and worksheet above – before you fill out the form.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

General contact information for the organization
Organization address
Primary contact for this application
Legal authorized signing authority for the organization
Organization overview and context
How accessible are your programs and services to the general public?
Exemption Request
I hereby acknowledge that:

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