High school completion

The Alberta government continues to move on initiatives to help ensure success for high school students and teachers.


Alberta’s future prosperity rests on our ability to support a well-educated workforce that is responsive to change. Among the key priorities of the provincial education system is to ensure all of our students are successful – both in school, work and life.


High School programming in Alberta focuses on 3 outcomes:

  • engaged students
  • high levels of achievement
  • quality teaching

Ensuring a focus on student-centred learning happens when high schools put in place a number of key foundational principles.

Foundational principles

All foundational principles are interconnected. To meet the needs of their school communities high schools may need to focus on one or more.

Successful high schools

Schools have implemented strategies and foundational practices aimed at transforming the high school experience for students and teachers through changes to one or more of these areas.

HSC Strategic Framework

To assist Alberta school authorities in successfully increasing their high school completion rates, Alberta Education designed the High School Completion (HSC) Strategic Framework around 5 areas for action:



Connect with Alberta Education for more information about high school programming:

Phone: 780-427-6272
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
