Make an employment standards complaint

An employee can file a complaint if an employer is not meeting the minimum employment standards.

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There are some things you need to know before you make a complaint:

  • Talk to your employer – this is the first step in trying to resolve an employment standards issue in the workplace.
  • A complaint can be made if you think your employer is not following the rules in the Employment Standards Code.
  • Complaints can be made while you are still employed and at any time up to 6 months after your last day of employment.
  • Complaints can be submitted online and there is no cost.
  • Your employer cannot terminate your employment because you make, or are about to make a complaint.
  • Complaints that are submitted must be truthful.

Ensure you are familiar with all the steps below before you begin the complaint process.

Complaints vs. anonymous tips

There are 2 options available if you think your employer is not following employment standards rules: a complaint and an anonymous tip. You will need to choose which option best suits your needs.

Check your eligibility

All of the following must be true in order to make a complaint to Employment Standards.

Before you start a complaint

Start a complaint

The online complaint system collects information about how to contact your, your employer, and the details of your complaint. You can also upload documents that support your complaint.

If you are unable to submit a complaint online, assistance is available. For more details, contact Employment Standards.

Start a complaint

Continue or submit a complaint

Login to your account to continue a saved complaint or submit your complaint.

After submitting

Employment Standards Code

Part 3, section 82 of the Employment Standards Code outlines the process of making a complaint.

Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between this information and Alberta Employment Standards legislation, the legislation is considered correct.