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There are 2 options for achieving a High School Equivalency Diploma.

Option 1

A person who is 18 years or older as of September 1 of the current school year, who is deficient in the credits needed for an Alberta High School Diploma, who has been out of school for at least 10 consecutive months, and who wishes to obtain a High School Equivalency Diploma, should apply to the principal of a senior high school in the community. The principal will first confirm that the candidate has achieved 60 credits through classroom instruction in a school or other institution accredited by or acceptable to the Minister. For out-of-province students, refer to the Evaluation of Out-of-province/Out-of-country Educational Documents section. The 60 credits will include:

  • a high school course in mathematics (5 credits)
  • a high school course in science (3 credits)
  • English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2 (5 credits) or Français 30-1 or 30-2 (5 credits)
  • one other 30-level course, other than English language arts (5 credits)
  • additional high school courses (42 credits)

If the student has met all of the requirements above, the principal will apply additional credits. Additional credits can be awarded in PASI for the following:

  • additional high school courses
  • a maximum of 15 credits for approved adult education courses offered by recognized agencies
    • For example, public colleges, institutes of technology, extension divisions of universities, adult evening classes, which have not been previously completed for high school credit as dual credit courses.
  • a maximum of 15 credits for age, according to the following scale:
    • age 21 to 24 (inclusive) – 5 credits
    • age 25 to 29 (inclusive) – 10 credits
    • age 30 and over – 15 credits
  • a maximum of 5 credits for extensive travel
    • For example, in a written essay, the student will explain how travel has influenced their appreciation of other cultures, lifestyles and the development of personal values (maximum of 500 words).
  • a maximum of 5 credits for extensive reading
    • For example, in a written essay, the student will describe how extensive reading has contributed to their personal growth and/or career progression to date and/or how it may contribute in future. Cite 1 or 2 passages to support this opinion (maximum of 500 words).

The student will be awarded the credential if the number of additional credits added to the minimum 60 credits gained through classroom instruction totals at least 100.

Copies of all necessary documents should be retained by the principal in accordance with school authority requirements.

The credits for adult education, age, extensive travel and extensive reading cannot be used toward meeting the 100-credit requirement for the Alberta High School Diploma.

For more information about Option 1, contact Student Records or the Special Cases and Accommodations Team. For contact information, see Government Contacts.

Option 2

A person who is 18 years or older who has been out of school for at least 10 consecutive months and who passes all 5 Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)/Certificat canadien de l’éducation des adultes (CCÉA) subject tests will be granted a High School Equivalency Diploma.

The 5 CAEC/CCÉA subjects include:

  1. English: Reading OR Français: Lecture
  2. English: Writing OR Français: Écriture
  3. Mathematics (Part I: no calculator AND Part II: calculator)
  4. Science
  5. Social Studies

For more information about Option 2 and the CAEC program, contact the CAEC Testing service. For contact information, see Government Contacts.

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