Part of Forestry

Forest Management Plans

View Alberta government approved plans for harvesting and sustainably managing trees on Crown land.


The details of where, when and how trees on Crown land in Alberta are sustainably harvested and managed are outlined in forest management plans (FMPs). These map-based plans are approved by the Government of Alberta with input from the public, interest groups and Indigenous communities.

Forest management plans:

  • look beyond sustained timber yield
  • focus on how forestry activities will be managed to reduce negative impacts on other resource users and resource values
  • describe how operational plans are linked
  • describe monitoring programs and the associated evaluation of actual and expected outcomes

The Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard (the Standard) and its annexes and interpretive bulletins make up the standard for preparing and implementing FMPs in Alberta.

Types of plans

Plans prepared by the Crown – The Crown is responsible for preparing FMPs for forest management units (FMU) not included in forest management agreement (FMA) defined forest areas. See Plans prepared by the Crown below.

Plans prepared by forest companies – FMPs prepared by forest companies are a requirement of FMAs. Each FMA provides forest companies with rights to harvest and reforest trees on Crown land. See Plans prepared by forest companies below.

Public involvement and Indigenous consultation

Developing FMPs is a dynamic process, incorporating knowledge from research, policy, legislation and ongoing performance reviews. FMPs are prepared and implemented through collaboration with forest companies and government agencies with input from the public, interest groups and Indigenous peoples.

Public involvement and Indigenous consultation are key components of FMP development. FMP developers must:

FMP implementation involves the development of operational plans that may require further engagement with the public and interest groups, as well as Indigenous Consultation as per Alberta’s policies and guidelines.

As of August 12, 2024, Indigenous consultation process administration and support for relevant activities approved under the Forests Act and Forest and Prairie Protection Act is now provided to proponents directly by the Ministry of Indigenous Relations’ Aboriginal Consultation Office (ACO). Proponents submit their new assessment applications and associated documents directly to the ACO through the ACO’s Digital Service (ACO DS)

Additionally, the Information Sharing and Exploring Concerns for Forestry Planning and Operations has been developed to provide relevant forestry specific guidance and direction to proponents. This document will be used in association with the Government of Alberta’s Proponent Guide to First Nations and Metis Settlements Consultation Procedures (current version).

These updates do not, in any way, change Alberta’s associated Indigenous consultation policies or guidelines.

More information and assistance with application submissions is on the ACO DS website, or contact the ACO.

Crown Forest Management Plans

  • Forest Management Unit C5

    FMA 2100047 is allocated to Crowsnest Forest Products Ltd., effective May 1, 2021. The FMP encompasses FMU C5 – prepared by and formerly managed by the Crown – located west of Lethbridge within the Montane, Alpine and Subalpine Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2006 to 2026
    FMU C5 2006 Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Management Unit E8

    FMU E8 is a Crown managed unit located east of Grande Cache. It is bordered by the ANC Timber Ltd., Canadian Forest Products Ltd. and Weyerhaeuser Company Limited (Pembina Timberland) FMA areas and falls within the Upper Foothills, Subalpine and Montane Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2007 to 2017
    FMU E8 2007 Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Management Unit G13

    FMU G13 is a Crown managed FMU associated with the Grande Prairie Regional College training forest located east of Grande Prairie. It is bordered by the Weyerhaeuser Company Limited (Grande Prairie) and Canadian Forest Products Ltd. FMA areas and falls within the Central Mixedwood and Dry Mixedwood Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2006 to 2016
    FMU G13 2006 Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Management Unit P14

    FMU P14 is a Crown managed unit located north of Peace River. It is bordered by the Mercer Peace River Pulp Ltd. (West) and Manning Forest Products Ltd. FMA areas and falls within the Central Mixedwood, Dry Mixedwood and Lower Boreal Highlands Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2009 to 2018
    FMU P14 2009 Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Management Units PO5, P22 and S26

    FMUs PO5, P22 and S26 are Crown managed units located in the Peace River area in northern Alberta. They are bordered by the Mercer Peace River Pulp Ltd. (East and West), Manning Forest Products Ltd., Tolko Industries Ltd. and West Fraser Mills Ltd./Tolko Industries Ltd. FMA areas. They fall within the Dry Mixedwood, Peace River Parkland, Lower Boreal Highlands and Central Mixedwood Natural Subregions.

    Timber supply analysis
    Plan duration: 2009 to 2018
    FMU PO5, P22 and S26 2009 Timber Supply Analysis

  • Forest Management Unit R11

    FMU R11 is a Crown managed unit located west of Rocky Mountain House adjacent to Banff and Jasper National Parks. It is bordered by the Sundre Forest Products Inc., Weyerhaeuser Company Limited (Pembina Timberland) and West Fraser Mills Ltd. (Edson) FMA areas and falls within the Upper Foothills, Montane, Alpine and Subalpine Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2007 to 2017
    FMU R11 2007 Forest Management Plan
    R11 forest management plan : five-year stewardship report 

  • Forest Management Unit S10

    FMU S10 is a Crown managed unit located northeast of Peace River, surrounding Red Earth Creek. It is bordered by the Mercer Peace River Pulp Ltd. (East), Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc., and Tolko Industries Ltd. High Prairie FMA areas as well as the Crown managed portion of FMU S19. It falls within the Central Mixed wood and Lower Boreal Highlands Natural Subregions.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2022-2032
    Kee Tas Kee Now Sawmills Ltd. 2023 Forest Management Plan

    Previous timber supply analysis
    FMU S10 2006 Timber Supply Analysis

  • Forest Management Unit S16

    FMU S16 is a Crown managed unit comprised of four small pieces north and south of High Prairie that falls within the Central Mixedwood and Dry Mixedwood Natural Subregions. It is part of a joint forest management plan covering FMUs S16, S17, S19, S20, S21 and S24 prepared by Tolko Industries Ltd., Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd., and West Fraser Mills Ltd.

    Current plan
    Plan duration: 2021 to 2031
    Lesser Slave Lake Regional 2021 Forest Management Plan

Plans prepared by forest companies