The Foreign Credential Advisory Committee will engage with stakeholders to help identify challenges and opportunities to streamline entry processes for internationally trained individuals to enter into regulated professions.
To support this work, committee members will review legislation and other rules, including those established by professional regulatory organizations, that govern the recognition of foreign credentials in Alberta.
Enhancing foreign credential recognition will help fill critical labour and service gaps in key professions that Albertans rely on, and help foreign trained professionals put their skills to work faster.
Committee mandate
The committee was established by the Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Act, formerly Bill 203, which received Royal Assent in March 2024.
As set out in the Foreign Credential Advisory Committee Act, the committee must submit a report to the Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism by June 28, 2025.
The committee’s term is up to 2 years in length and will expire no later than March 28, 2026.
Stakeholder engagement
The committee will engage with a variety of groups and key subject matter experts to gain insight into the foreign credential recognition experiences, including:
- educational institutions
- settlement organizations
- professional regulatory organizations
- internationally trained individuals in regulated professions
- Alberta employers
- government
Committee membership
The 13-member committee is led by Dr. Misheck Mwaba, president and CEO, Bow Valley College, and has the following members:
- Shauna Feth, president and CEO, Alberta Chamber of Commerce
- Glenys Reeves-Gibbs, executive director, Alberta Federation of Regulated Health Professionals
- Kene Ilochonwu, senior legal counsel, Woodfibre LNG
- Deidre Lake, executive director, Alberta International Medical Graduates Association
- Cam Linke, CEO, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
- Dr. Megan Bergman, registrar and CEO, Alberta Veterinary Medical Association
- Susan McGillivray, interim vice-president, people and health professions, Alberta Health Services
- Rachel Miller, CEO, Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta
- Jay Nagendran, registrar and CEO, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
- G. Nabi Chaudhary, retired manager/senior economist, Alberta Agriculture
- Bruce Randall, retired executive director, Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council
- Cinnamon Stacey, director of governance, Alberta Advanced Education
Recommendations from the committee may help inform policy or legislative changes related to their mandate.