Flood study engagements

We gathered feedback on draft reports and flood maps.


We gathered feedback from Albertans on draft reports and flood maps used to support emergency response and help build more resilient communities.

Flood maps identify where water will flow during a flood, and what land could be flooded during different sized floods. Most flood maps focus on floods caused by high river flows when water escapes the river channel, most often experienced in spring or following summer rainstorms, but they can also show areas at risk from ice jam floods or document the extent of historic floods.

Many communities in Alberta have flood maps that are more than 2 decades old. This project will update old flood maps and expand coverage to new areas. It is the largest undertaking of flood mapping in Alberta’s history, covering over 1,600 kilometres of river and more than 60 municipalities and Indigenous communities.


  • Results under review

    Albertans provided feedback on 27 flood study engagements. Results are currently under review.

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas


Your feedback will help inform the finalization of flood studies and maps in the Flood Hazard Identification Program to support emergency responses during a flood and help build resilient communities over the long term.