FWMIS – Fisheries loadforms

Use loadforms to submit fisheries information to the Fisheries and Wildlife Management Information System (FWMIS).

Collecting and submitting fisheries data

The information you collect is an important contribution to the knowledge base for fisheries and wildlife management.

Collected data are to be entered into a Fisheries and Wildlife Management Information System (FWMIS) loadform (Microsoft Excel workbook) according to the type of survey. Check back periodically for FWMIS loadform updates.

How to complete and submit FWMIS loadforms

  1. Review the FWMIS Data Submission Guide for information and tips for using the FWMIS loadforms.
  2. Use the FWMIS Loadform Check Tool to ensure quality control and quality assurance of data submission. This tool scans data submissions for common errors and formatting issues, and provides verification results as per database requirements.
  3. Email completed FWMIS loadforms to the Fish and Wildlife representative responsible for the area of your data collection. For area contact maps and information, see:

FWMIS fisheries loadforms

For the common fisheries survey types of electrofishing, trap netting (including minnow traps and dip nets), test netting, seining, sample angling, and aquatic habitat surveys.

For Creel and Sportfish Survey data.

For the fish stocking events completed in waterbodies in the province of Alberta.

For brief data entry of fish kills into FWMIS to allow for searchability and the generation of Fish Kill reports.

For random observations collected under a non-structured methodology, or by chance.

Examples of random observation surveys may be tag returns from an angler or other secondary fish or wildlife observations collected in association with another primary survey.

For aquatic habitat observations collected using a data logger.

If your survey type is unique and does not fit the methodologies found within the above loadform, contact:

Additional instructions

  • Surveys for which no fish were caught should be recorded and submitted and the text, "No fish caught" entered in the survey comments field.
  • Submit habitat information when collected in the field.
  • Download a new loadform for every new submission as the loadforms are continually being updated. You will also avoid problems like corrupting the worksheets by copying over old data or unintentionally submitting already previously submitted data.
  • FWMIS also stores images and documents which provides context and enhances the data collected. Submit any images or reports in digital format.