Fish Creek Provincial Park trails engagement

Albertans shared feedback on the draft trails master plan for Fish Creek.


  • Open

    May 17 to June 14, 2021

  • Results under review

    July 2021

  • Completed

    Fall 2021

Who is listening

Ministry of Forestry, Parks and Tourism


We gathered feedback on current and future recreational demands on the Fish Creek Provincial Park trail system to improve connectivity, safety and accessibility of trails within the park boundaries.

Feedback will help finalize the Fish Creek Provincial Park Trails Master Plan and be used to improve the park's trail system, while also ensuring the protection of critical habitat and cultural and historical features.

Fish Creek Provincial Park is 1,300 hectares, making it the second largest urban protected area in Canada. The park has more than 100 kilometers of paths for walking, jogging and cycling - including paved, gravel, and 100 single-track trails.

Feedback was gathered on:

  • existing trails within Fish Creek boundaries
  • opportunities, improvements, usability, and gaps in trail networks and duplicate paths
  • mapping, signage and information for users
  • park users environmental and social values related to new trail design and implementation
  • trail users' desire to participate in stewardship activities

Input received

Albertans provided feedback on the draft plan through an online survey, interactive places map and question and answer tool from May 17 to June 14, 2021.

Stakeholders participated in virtual sessions hosted by government officials.

Thank you for your input, we are currently reviewing feedback.


Feedback gathered will help finalize the Fish Creek Provincial Park Trails Master Plan to help guide improvements to the trail system and help protect the park’s nature and rich cultural history.


Help improve trails in Fish Creek Provincial Park (May 17, 2021)


For more information about the Fish Creek Provincial Park Trails Master Plan engagement email: