According to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, Part 11: First Aid, the prime contractor (or employer if there is no prime contractor) is responsible for ensuring individuals who provide first aid services to workers are appropriately trained.
Workers must provide proof of training with a valid workplace first aid certificate, when asked to do so by prime contractors, employers or occupational health and safety officers. Workplace first aid training certifications are valid for up to 3 years. Workers may recertify prior to certification expiration or must take a full course after the expiration date.
Approved training agencies issue a certificate to workers who successfully complete an approved workplace first aid training course. Any instructor delivering workplace first aid training must be certified by an agency approved to teach workplace first aid.
Approved training agencies
View the list of approved training agencies (updated quarterly).
Employers and workers should verify training agency approval status in Alberta, before registering or taking a training course.
The agencies on the list sometimes authorize consultants or service providers that are not on the list to deliver first aid courses on their behalf.
To verify that a provider that is not on the list is delivering an approved first aid course, ask the affiliate to either provide:
- the name of its partner agency
- After you find out the name of this agency, contact them to verify that the affiliate is authorized to deliver training on their behalf.
- its partner agency’s signed government approval letter (authorizes the partner agency to provide first aid training)
Apply to teach first aid
All workplace first aid training courses must meet CSA Standard Z1210-17: First aid training for the workplace — Curriculum and quality management for training agencies.
Applicants should refer to the bulletin, Workplace first aid approvals, for more information on how to apply and information about excluded specialty first aid training. Applications will not be accepted for excluded courses.
Agencies seeking new approvals or previously approved agencies seeking approvals for new courses are required to complete the appropriate first aid application forms for each course.
Submit an approval application
Apply online (preferred)
- Apply online for an approval through the secure online portal.
Apply by email
- Submit a complete approval package to lbr.occhealth@gov.ab.ca.
- If submitting by email, you are required to complete an approval application form.
Workplace resources
Connect with OHS:
Phone: 780-415-8690 (Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-866-415-8690
TTY: 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215