The medal honours members of a Canadian fire service with over 20 years of service, with 10 years involving duties with potential risk.
The Chancellery of Canadian Orders awards this medal. Awards are made on behalf of the Sovereign by Instruments signed by the Governor General. The Lieutenant Governor presents the medals to all recipients.
How to nominate
Step 1. Read the guidelines
Go to the Governor General of Canada website to read the nomination guidelines.
Step 2. Download and save the nomination form
Save the blank nomination form on your local drive (for example, computer desktop) or a local disk (for example, USB).
Step 3. Complete the nomination form
Fill out the nomination form and save a copy in your files. Only electronic submissions are accepted.
Step 4. Submit the nomination package
Submit your cover letter and federal nomination form by emailing firecomm@gov.ab.ca.
Nominations received by mail or fax will be returned to the nominator for proper electronic resubmission.
For questions regarding the completion or submission of your nomination forms:
Phone: 1-866-421-6929
Email: alex.martsynkevych@gov.ab.ca