Part of Fire

Fire reporting

Fires in Alberta that result in death, injury or dollar value loss must be reported to the Fire Commissioner.

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Fires in Alberta are reported by safety codes officers certified in the fire discipline and by members of the insurance industry handling fire loss claims.

Fires are reported online, with paper report forms available as a backup. The Fire Electronic Reporting System (FERS) is accessed through the Municipal Affairs milenet system.

Fire reporting agencies can obtain secure access to FERS by signing a milenet agreement.

Fire manual and forms

Contact number for fire reporting questions:

Phone: 1-866-421-6929

Fire Statistics Reporting Manual

Reporting forms

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

Alberta Municipal Affairs MileNet

Interactive Fire Data Analysis

The Interactive Fire Data Analysis (IFDA) yields a limited range of fire-loss statistics based on the most current 10-year fire incident data. The data tables are designed to meet frequent requests from clients.

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