Part of Land titles

Find land titles, documents or plans

Information on different types of titles, documents or plans, and how to get copies of them.


Most titles, documents or plans can be ordered through the Alberta Registries Spatial Information System (SPIN2), Alberta Registry for Land Online (ARLO) or through a registry agent.

You can also search for a title by name. Please see the Search by owner name section below.

Starting October 31, 2024, you can search and pay for titles with a Plan/Block(Unit)/Lot legal description using the new Alberta Registry for Land Online (ARLO) system.

Current land titles

Titles identify:

  • the current owner
  • mortgages
  • caveats
  • easements
  • builders’ liens
  • other registered interests

How to get it

1. Provide information

To get a title search, you need to know one of the following:

  • legal description
  • land identification number code (LINC number)
  • title number

2. Search

Title searches are available through SPIN2 or through a registry agent. Current land titles using Plan/Block(Unit)/Lot can be searched on Alberta Registry for Land Online (ARLO).

Historical title

A historical title will let you know who owned the property before the current owners.

How to get it

1. Provide information

Several pieces of information may be needed to search a historical title, such as:

  • reference title numbers
  • owner’s name
  • legal description

2. Search

Some historical searches are available through SPIN2 or through a registry agent.

Depending on when the title was cancelled, some historical titles must be ordered from the relevant Land Titles and Surveys office. See the contact section for locations.

Document copies

How to get it

Copies of documents with 9-digit registration numbers are available through SPIN2 or through a registry agent. These include:

  • Calgary documents from 1973 onward
  • Edmonton documents from 1975 onward

Some documents with numbers and letters are available through SPIN2. If it is not on SPIN2 print the screen of the system message from SPIN2 stating that it is not available and send that in with your request for a copy of the document to the Land Titles and Surveys office it was registered in. These include:

  • Calgary documents before 1973
  • Edmonton documents before 1975

Documents can be delivered as a photocopy or as a fax. The registration number must be provided.

See the contact section for locations.

Plan copies

How to get it

Registered plans of survey are available through SPIN2 or through a registry agent (TIF image format). You can search for plans by:

  • plan number
  • legal description (Alberta Township Survey (ATS))
  • geographically through an online map

Plan copies are available through a Land Titles and Surveys office in the following formats:

  • paper
  • reproducible film
  • digitally (TIF image format)

See the contact section for locations.

Search by owner name

A search for land titles by the name of a current or historical owner, or by the name of a current owner of an instrument. Searches are governed by the Name search regulation.


The Registrar can do a name search if the person requesting it:

  • is the person being searched
  • has written consent of the person being searched
  • has a registerable or registered instrument and is searching the name of the person specified in the instrument and whose interests in land the instrument is intended to be registered or is registered against or whose interests in land are entitled to be dealt with
  • is a police officer
  • is authorized or entitles under a court order
  • is doing so on behalf of the Crown
  • is an agent or representative for a person who:
    • has written consent by the person being searched, or
    • has a registerable or registered instrument and is searching the name of the person specified in the instrument and whose interests in land the instrument is intended to be registered or is registered against or whose interests in land are entitled to be dealt with
  • is doing so on behalf of the Real Estate Council of Alberta for an investigation

Consult the Land Titles Act to learn more about the requirements for a name search.

How to apply

Step 1. Fill out an application

You can download the Name search application or get an application from a Land Titles and Surveys Office.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

Step 2. Gather supporting documents

You’ll need to provide supporting documentation with the application as well. The following can be used as documentation:

  • writs of enforcement or extent
  • federal writs of seizure and sale
  • transfers of writs
  • assignments of judgments
  • WCB certified statements, judgments and orders for maintenance or alimony
  • orders or agreements under the Maintenance Enforcement Act, Maintenance & Recovery Act or Income Support Recovery Act
  • orders under the Employment Standards Code
  • orders under the Public Utilities Board Act
  • Certificates of lis pendens under the Matrimonial Property Act
  • Certificates of mental incompetency by the Public Trustee
  • Trusteeship orders under the Dependent Adults Act

Step 3. Submit the application

You can submit the application and documentation to a Land Titles and Surveys office.


Send time-sensitive documents via registered courier to Land Titles and Surveys to ensure documents are received prior to submission deadlines.

Connect with a Land Titles and Surveys office:

Edmonton location

Phone: 780-427-2742

Office and mailing address

John E. Brownlee Building
10365 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7

Calgary location

Phone: 403-297-6511

Office and mailing address:

Service Alberta Building
2nd Floor, 710 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0K3