A capacity assessment is done to see if an adult can make a decision and understand the consequences of the decision.
Capacity assessments need to be completed for applications and reviews for:
This page lists capacity assessors who do assessments for the public.
Although they may not be listed here, these professionals can also do capacity assessments:
- physicians
- psychologists
If you are a professional looking for a capacity assessor who does assessments for their employer, like a hospital or health-care facility, visit capacity assessors by employer.
Capacity assessors by region
Find a capacity assessor in your area.
Linda Au
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: socialworktherapist@gmail.com
Phone: 403-467-2546
Will work in: Airdrie, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Morley, Edmonton, Didsbury, Claresholm, Crossfield, Carstairs, Beiseker, Irricana, Cremona.Karen Barker
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: karentheo@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-520-6726Lisa Bauche
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Chinook Psychological and Educational Consulting
Email: lisa.bauche@hotmail.com
Phone: 403-402-9167Dr. N. Bhanji
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: nadeem.bhanji@mail.mcgill.caSharon H. Blott
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Psychoeducational Assessment Services
Email: shblott@telus.net
Phone: 403-612-3396Maeleen Brown
Location: Bragg Creek, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Strathmore
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private practice
Email: maeleen.brownot@gmail.com
Phone: 587-216-4343Jody Caswell
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Moroz Child Psychology
Email: info@morozchildpsychology.com
Phone: 403-541-1199Alisha Cecchetto
Location: Airdrie, Calgary, Okotoks
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Richard Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
Email: amcecchetto@shaw.caDr. Cameron M. Clark, PhD, R.Psych
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Email: cam@sharpthinking.org
Phone: 403-816-9525John Dahl
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Applied Behavioral Technologies
Email: jdahlabt@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-470-1065Lawrence Deck
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Deck Psychological Services
Email: deckpsych@gmail.com
Phone: 403-289-2511Kehinde Ekpudu
Location: Airdrie, Calgary, Canmore, Cochrane, Morley
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Business: Twin Ocean Consulting
Email: kehinde.ariyo@gmail.com
Phone: 587-500-5262Joanne Gobeil
Location: Airdrie
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Joanne Gobeil Psychological Services
Email: jogobeil@yahoo.com
Phone: 403-618-6956W. Anthony Grey
Location: Calgary, Okotoks
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Wayfound Mental Health Group
Email: anthonyg@wayfound.ca
Phone: 403-850-6711Robert Hammel
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Psychologists
Employer: Robert Hammel Counselling
Email: r.hammel@me.com
Phone: 403-973-2174Sandi Huynh
Location: Airdrie, Balzac, Calgary, Crossfield
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: sandimkwong@gmail.com
Phone: 587-703-6678Dr. Naheed Jawed
Location: Airdrie, Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Odyssey Psychological Assessment and Counselling Services
Email: drnaheedjawed@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-980-9572Zahra Jessa
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Jessa – Greig Psychological Services
Email: jessagreig@yahoo.ca
Phone: 403-479-9247Simren Jhuty
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Stride Psycholog
Email: simren@stridepsychology.ca
Phone: 403-768-2208Susan John
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: susan@bridgeland-law.comHolly Johnson
Location: Airdrie, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: hollygalejohnson@gmail.com
Phone: 587-377-2678
Specialty: dementia, mental health, seniorsDianne Kelleher
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Travois Holdings Ltd
Email: diannekelleher@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-242-5911Andrea Kilgour
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Psychologists
Email: dr.akilgour@gmail.com
Phone: 587-216-8132Jacqueline Leland
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: LEX Psychology Corporation
Email: info@lexpsychology.com
Phone: 403-612-6475Patricia Lynne Lett
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Psychologists
Employer: Willow Creek Psychology
Email: patriciawccfp@gmail.com
Phone: 403-454-5388Irene Liu
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Psychologists
Employer: Pachet Assessment and Rehabilitation Services
Email: irene.liu.pars@gmail.com
Phone: 403-232-1212Patricia Miller
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: The Family Psychology Place
Email: patricia.miller@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-250-7792Sarah Mullin
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Email: sarah.mullin@yahoo.ca
Phone: 403-620-3737James Murch
Location: Airdrie, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Cremona, Didsbury, Okotoks, Strathmore
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Grey Matter Psychology
Email: james@greymatterpsychology.ca
Phone: 403-604-8649Christabel Oko
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Email: kaysandkentcares@gmail.com
Phone: 403-998-1178Kim Presiloski
Location: Airdrie, Banff, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Canmore, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Strathmore
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Calgary Capacity Assessments
Email: kim@yourcapacityassessor.ca
Phone: 403-874-7138Stephanie Reardon
Location: Didsbury
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: stephanie.reardon@yahoo.com
Phone: 403-505-9134Rebecca Remington
Location: Calgary, Okotoks
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: capacityassessments@rebeccaremington.ca
Phone: 403-795-2307Dr. Manreet Riar
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Alpha Psychological Resources Inc.
Email: manreetriar@alphapsychology.ca
Phone: 403-475-8000Kimberly Shapkin
Location: Airdrie, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Cremona, Didsbury, Strathmore
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Golden Health
Email: kimberly.shapkin@gldnhealth.com
Phone: 403-971-2944Amal Souraya
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Inner Strength Counselling
Email: amal@inner-strength.ca
Phone: 403-402-2845Cindy Hai Tran
Location: Airdrie, Bragg Creek, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Cremona, Didsbury, Strathmore
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Core Occupational Therapy Services
Email: cindy@coreots.ca
Phone: 403-613-0079Sarah Vanderveen
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Pachet Assessment and Rehabilitation Services Inc.
Phone: 403-232-1212Kevin Yung
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Awakening Change Counselling
Email: kevinjungcounselling@gmail.com
Rachelle Andre
Location: Lacombe
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Schultz Psychological Consulting Ltd.
Email: randre80@hotmail.com
Phone: 403-505-1070
Will work in: Ponoka, Red Deer, LacombeDr. Rita Bakshi
Location: Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private assessments
Phone: 780-216-1751Cheryl Brookman
Location: Maskwacis
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Maskwacis Health Centre
Email: cabrookman@outlook.com
Phone: 780-604-0678Kim Fald
Location: Camrose, Millet, Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: faldkim28@gmail.com
Phone: 587-893-9688L. Andrea Guerrero
Location: Red Deer, Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: The Good Samaritan Society Choice Program
Email: guerrero@gss.org
Phone: 780-989-3283
Other languages: SpanishDiane Gutoskie
Location: Stettler
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Depth Consulting
Email: dianegutoskie@hotmail.comCindy Hai Tran
Location: Olds, Sundre
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Core Occupational Therapy Services
Email: cindy@coreots.ca
Phone: 403-613-0079Harriet Halse
Location: Camrose, Ponoka, Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Self Employed
Email: harriet.halse@gmail.com
Phone: 780-934-3298Barbara H. Johnson
Location: Delburne, Stettler, Three Hills
Accreditation: College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private practice
Email: barb_j@telus.net
Phone: 403-749-3798Holly Johnson
Location: Blackfalds, Innisfail, Lacombe, Red Deer, Sylvan Lake
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: hollygalejohnson@gmail.com
Phone: 587-377-2678
Specialty: dementia, mental health, seniorsWendy King
Location: Camrose, Drayton Valley, Red Deer, Vegreville
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Aim Health
Email: wendy@aimnursingservices.com
Phone: 780-668-4286Kristina Lecomte
Location: Rimbey, Alix, Bashaw, Bentley, Blackfalds, Innisfail, Olds, Ponoka, Red Deer, Sylvan Lake, Rocky Mountain House, Stettler, Lacombe
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: private practice
Email: kristinalecomte@hotmail.com
Phone: 403-596-5583Dr. Hassan S. Lockhat
Location: Stettler
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: Self Employed
Email: lockhat@telusplanet.net
Phone: 403-742-4011Deena M. Martin
Location: Sylvan Lake
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: private practice
Email: deena.m.martin@gmail.com
Phone: 780-909-4939Becky McRae
Location: Camrose, Stettler, Vegreville, Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Flex Occupational Therapy Services Inc.
Email: flexoccth@gmail.com
Phone: 780-385-1631Terra Milburn
Location: Drayton Valley
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private practice
Email: terradk_16@hotmail.com
Phone: 403-478-1915Sarah Mullin
Location: Blackfalds, Bowden, Innisfail, Lacombe, Olds, Penhold, Red Deer, Sundre, Sylvan Lake
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Email: sarah.mullin@yahoo.ca
Phone: 403-620-3737James Murch
Location: Blackfalds, Delburne, Innisfail, Lacombe, Olds, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, Sundre, Sylvan Lake, Three Hills
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Grey Matter Psychology
Email: james@greymatterpsychology.ca
Phone: 403-604-8649Petro Palykhata
Location: Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Psychological Services and DBT Centre
Email: dbtRedDeer@gmail.com
Phone: 403-342-0510Kim Presiloski
Location: Bowden, Innisfail, Olds, Red Deer
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Calgary Capacity Assessments
Email: kim@yourcapacityassessor.ca
Phone: 403-874-7138Stephanie Reardon
Location: Innisfail, Lacombe, Olds, Ponoka, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, Stettler, Sylvan Lake
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: stephaniereardon@yahoo.com
Phone: 403-505-9134Marc Roy
Location: Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Cirrus Psychology Services
Email: info@cirruspsychology.comTodd Sainbury
Location: Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: private assessments
Email: toddhetherapist@gmail.com
Phone: 403-318-9893Renuka Sanghvi
Location: Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: private practice
Email: renukasanghvi1962@gmail.comKimberly Shapkin
Location: Olds, Sundre
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Golden Health
Email: kimberly.shapkin@gldnhealth.com
Phone: 403-971-2944Jason Spurell
Location: Alix, Bashaw, Bentley, Blackfalds, Innisfail, Lacombe, Ponoka, Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Beyond Healing Psychological Services
Email: jasonspurell@outlook.com
Phone: 587-887-9375
Specialty: seniors, Acquired Brain InjuryCarla Turnquist
Location: Innisfail
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Summit Psychology
Email: carla@summitpsych.ca
Phone: 403-348-5160Dr. J. Dirk van der Berg
Location: Red Deer
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: J. Dirk van der Berg PC
Email: dirk2@shaw.ca
Phone: 403-314-4174Dr. Brian Williams Inglis
Location: Sylvan Lake
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: Brian W. Inglis Corporation
Email: bkinglis@shaw.caGreg Workun
Location: Lacombe, Ponoka, Rimbey
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private assessments
Phone: 780-267-4382 -
Lauren Appleby
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Kells Counselling
Email: main@kellscounselling.caCarol Bainey
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: cbainey@shaw.ca
Phone: 780-935-1571Dr. Anne Bello PhD
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Inner Strength Counselling and Consulting Services
Email: annebello.innerstrength@gmail.com
Phone: 587-501-1827Dr. Johannes Botha
Location: Gibbons
Accreditation: College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: Gibbons Family Medical Centre
Email: drbothaj@gmail.com
Phone: 780-923-3566Rhina Delgado
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private assessments
Email: rhina.delgado@gmail.comAshley DeRosa
Location: Edmonton, Strathcona County, Parkland County
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Self employed
Email: derosaashley1111@gmail.com
Phone: 780-222-1979Kim Fald
Location: Ardrossan, Beaumont, Calmar, Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Morinville, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: faldkim28@gmail.com
Phone: 587-893-9688Julie Fagnan
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: The Good Samaritan Society CHOICE Program
Email: jfagnan@gss.org
Phone: 780-431-3906
Specialty: geriatrics
Other languages: FrenchDr. Lloyd Flaro
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Flaro and Associates Ltd.
Email: drflaro@shaw.ca
Phone: 780-483-8590David Flomo
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: David Flomo Consulting and Services
Email: flomodf@gmail.comJon Parsons Friel
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: TPRJF Assessment Management & Research Corp. Ltd.
Email: jonfriel@telus.netDr. Adhikar Gokul
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
Employer: Edmonton Comprehensive Care and Family Medicine
Email: Dr.adhikar.gokul@shaw.ca
Phone: 780-306-5656L. Andrea Guerrero
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: The Good Samaritan Society Choice Program
Email: guerrero@gss.org
Phone: 780-989-3283
Other languages: SpanishHarriet Halse
Location: Edmonton, Leduc, Morinville, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Self Employed
Email: harriet.halse@gmail.com
Phone: 780-934-3298Sunkyo (Christopher) Han
Location: Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Devon, Leduc, Camrose
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Private Assessments
Email: sunkyo.chris.han@gmail.com
Phone: 780-993-1373
Specialties: Speaks English and KoreanPaul Huget
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Lifemax Occupational Therapy Inc.
Email: lifemax@live.ca
Phone: 780-238-9201Shalmin Jadavji
Location: Beaumont, Devon, Leduc, Morinville, Sherwood Park, Spruce Gove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Self Employed
Email: shalmin.jadavji@gmail.com
Phone: 905-510-3879Wendy King
Location: Beaumont, Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Aim Health
Email: wendy@aimnursingservices.com
Phone: 780-668-4286Pamela Klassen
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Holyrood Extendicare and private practice
Email: pl.klassen@shaw.caBrendan Klug
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park, St. Albert
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: brendanklug@shaw.caMu (Will) Lin
Location: Edmonton and area
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta - Nurse Practitioner
Employer: Private assessments
Email: wishyouwill@hotmail.com
Phone: 780-566-8669Tyler Layne-Linton
Location: Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private practice
Email: tlayneli@gmail.com
Phone: 780-667-1507Deena M. Martin
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: private practice
Email: deena.m.martin@gmail.comBecky McRae
Location: Edmonton, Leduc
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Flex Occupational Therapy Services Inc.
Email: flexoccth@gmail.com
Phone: 780-385-1631Olga Muradov, GIM NP
Location: Edmonton and area
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta - Nurse Practitioner
Employer: Private assessments
Email: olga.muradov@gmail.com
Phone: 780-884-0925Dr. Vernon Naido
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Email: receptionhsc20@gmail.com
Phone: 587-885-7746Monty K. Nelson
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Nelson Psychological Services
Email: montyn@telus.netLarissa Predy
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Little Oaks Psychology
Email: Lpredy@littleoakspsychology.com
Phone: 780-405-4209Katherine Rolfe
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Balance Psychological Services
Email: kathy2172@gmail.com
Phone: 780-937-8109Bharat Sharma
Location: Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Edmonton Counselling Services
Email: info@edmontoncounsellingservices.ca
Other languages: Hindi, Punjabi, UrduPaul Shelby
Location: Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Paul Shelby Consulting
Email: pshelby2@gmail.com
Phone: 780-993-8806David St. Arnault
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: CHVBV Psychologists
Email: starnault@chvbv.ca
Phone: 780-424-0123Doug Stein
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Email: doug.stein62@gmail.com
Phone: 780-990-6978Garth Stewart
Location: Edmonton
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Stewart Psychological Services
Email: stewartpsych@shaw.caGeorgette Strand
Location: Devon, Edmonton, Leduc, Wetaskiwin
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: georgette_strand@hotmail.com
Phone: 587-885-7746Priyanka Vergis
Location: St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Red Deer, Leduc, Edmonton
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Private assessments
Email: vergispriyanka23@gmail.com
Phone: 780-905-2767Camelia Vokey
Location: Beaumont, Edmonton, Leduc, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Stony Plain
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private practice
Email: cameliavokey@gmail.com
Phone: 250-488-3119 -
Heather Anderson
Location: Lac La Biche
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: heatha@mcsnet.caJanet Anderson
Location: Barrhead
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private assessments
Email: acacs2009@yahoo.caKim Fald
Location: Barrhead, Evansburg, Redwater, St. Paul, Westlock
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: faldkim28@gmail.com
Phone: 587-893-9688Jayme Inkpen
Location: Westlock
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private practice
Email: jayme.inkpen@gmail.com
Phone: 780-446-9560Louis Joseph
Location: Beaverlodge, Fox Creek, Grande Prairie, High Prairie, Hythe, Peace River, Slave Lake, Valleyview, Whitecourt
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: private practice
Email: louisraj10@yahoo.com
Phone: 780-300-7602Wendy King
Location: Athabasca, Barrhead, Edson, Evansburg, Fort McMurray, Grande Cache, Grande Prairie, Hinton, Jasper, Slave Lake, Westlock
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: Aim Health
Email: wendy@aimnursingservices.com
Phone: 780-668-4286Cynthia Morgan
Location: Fox Creek, Grande Prairie, High Prairie, Valleyview, Whitecourt
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: cynthia.g.morgan@gmail.com
Phone: 780-832-6992Angel Nichols
Location: Grande Prairie
Accreditation: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
Employer: Alberta Health Services
Email: angel.nichols@ahs.caShelley O'Neill
Location: Edson, Hinton, Whitecourt
Accreditation: College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
Employer: private practice
Email: soneill@homerj.net
Phone: 780-268-5570Jennifer Osborne-Aldred
Location: Grande Prairie
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: J. Osborne Consulting
Email: j.leapwellness@gmail.com
Phone: 780-978-1039Marguerite Paulson
Location: Peace River
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: private practice
Email: mjpaulson@abnorth.comJessica Pink
Location: Edson
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Taiga Counselling and Psychological Services
Email: jpink@taigaclinic.com
Phone: 780-517-4166Brenda M. Smith
Location: Fort McMurray, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Pathways Consulting, Inc.
Email: pathwaysconsulting@live.ca
Phone: 780-788-5067Rose Ann Swanson
Location: Plamondon
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: R. A. Swanson Psychological Services
Email: rapsych@telus.net
Phone: 780-623-0686Carrie Taks
Location: Beaverlodge, Fairview, Grande Prairie, Hythe, Spirit River
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Keep’N It Real Solutions
Email: info@keepnitrealsolutions.ca
Phone: 1-877-540-9870Malissa Veroni
Location: Beaverlodge, Fairview, Grande Prairie, Hythe, Spirit River
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Keep’N It Real Solutions
Email: info@keepnitrealsolutions.ca
Phone: 1-877-540-9870Ron Zhu
Location: High Prairie
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private assessments
Phone: 780-523-6460 -
Peter Dyck
Location: Lethbridge
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Peter R. Dyck Psychological Services
Email: petrov49@hotmail.comDr. Hendrik C. Hak
Location: Medicine Hat
Accreditation: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
Email: hak.isa.office@gmail.com
Phone: 403-502-8931James Murch
Location: Drumheller
Accreditation: College of Alberta Psychologists
Employer: Grey Matter Psychology
Email: james@greymatterpsychology.ca
Phone: 403-604-8649Christabel Oko
Location: Calgary
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: Self employed
Email: christabel.oko!thebsf.ca
Phone: 403-444-7208Rebecca Remington
Location: Lethbridge
Accreditation: Alberta College of Social Workers
Employer: private practice
Email: capacityassessments@rebeccaremington.ca
Phone: 403-795-2307