Financial service providers regulated in Alberta

List of financial service providers, legislation, information on deposit guarantees and directory of contacts.

Explore pages in:

Credit unions

Credit unions registered to operate in Alberta

Publications and forms for credit unions

Legislative framework for credit unions

Deposit guarantee

Out of province: Personal Property Security Act considerations

Contact for inquiries and complaints

Loan and trust corporations

Loan and trust corporations registered to operate in Alberta

Publications and forms related to loan and trust corporations

Legislative framework for loan and trust corporations

Deposit guarantee

  • All loan and trust corporations registered to take deposits in Alberta are required to be members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC).
  • Contact CIDC for details regarding the coverage, if any, for the financial product you are interested in.

Out of province: Personal Property Security Act considerations

Contact for inquiries and complaints

ATB Financial

ATB Financial is a provincial corporation and is for all purposes an agent of the Crown in the right of Alberta.

Legislative framework for ATB Financial

Deposit guarantee

  • The repayment of money deposited with ATB Financial and interest payable on that money is guaranteed by the Alberta government.

Contact for inquiries and complaints

Federal banks, loan, trust and insurance companies

Contact for inquiries and complaints

Insurance companies in Alberta

Contact for inquiries and complaints

Private pension plans in Alberta

Contact for inquiries and complaints


Contact for inquiries and complaints


Connect with the Office of the Alberta Superintendent of Financial Institutions:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-5064
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-644-7771

Treasury and Risk Management Division
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
302, Terrace Building
9515 107 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2C1