Feral horse management

The feral horse management framework provides options that consider the future of the species and the ecological integrity of their habitats.


Alberta’s feral horse populations range the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains between the Sheep and Brazeau Rivers.

Albertans have always felt a strong connection to feral horses, dating back to the role that their ancestors played in settling the west. Horses served vital roles in labour in the fields, providing transportation and improving the quality of life for settlers in Alberta.

In areas with high density feral horse populations, feral horses move from the preferred habitats with high availability of forage to other areas of the province, increasing the risk of unsustainable use of the landscape and putting pressure on plant communities as well as other grazing animals.

Alberta’s feral horse population is counted across 6 equine management zones: Brazeau, Nordegg, Clearwater, Sundre, Ghost River and Elbow. Minimum counts and distance surveys are conducted using helicopters for optimal maneuverability.

Release of domestic horses is illegal according to Section 16 of the Forest Reserves Regulation, part of Alberta’s Forest Reserves Act.

Feral horse advisory committee

The Alberta government is taking action to ensure sustainable management of feral horses. The new science-based management framework was developed with the input of the Feral Horse Advisory Committee comprised of stakeholders, subject matter experts, academic researchers and key organizations.

The committee provided valuable input into the feral horse management framework. Committee members will continue to help shape the Alberta government’s approach to feral horse management.

Read more about the Feral Horse Advisory Committee.

Impact on rangelands

Alberta’s public rangelands are productive ecosystems that support many different land uses including:

  • recreation
  • forestry and resource extraction
  • wildlife
  • livestock
  • feral horses

All these uses need to be managed to ensure public lands continue to provide important watershed protection, water filtration, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, and vegetation for wildlife and livestock grazing.

Public rangelands produce a finite amount of forage. Seasonal livestock grazing on public land begins in summer to protect sensitive rangeland plant species in the spring during the initial part of the growing season.

Rangelands become degraded if they do not receive sufficient rest or when cumulative grazing pressure by domestic stock, wildlife and feral horses exceeds the carrying capacity of the plant communities with an area. Without sufficient rest, especially during sensitive time periods, rangeland ecosystem health can deteriorate and lead to an increase in non-native plant species that may not have as high an ecological value.

Management framework

The feral horse management framework recognizes the presence of feral horses on the landscape.

Management frameworks are essential to protect Alberta’s wildlife, grazing animals and biodiversity. Without a framework in place, feral horses can negatively impact wildlife, birds, fish, cattle and vegetation.

All game and livestock species who utilize our ecosystems have management plans. From trout to bighorn sheep and grizzly bears, we develop management plans to ensure the ongoing sustainability of each species and the ecosystems in which they reside.

Feral horses are part of Alberta’s rich history. The objective of the management framework is to manage feral horse populations sustainably, while continuing to ensure wildlife and natural resources are protected.

Background information


Provisions for the management of feral horses is regulated under the Horse Capture Regulation.

In the early 1990s, concerns about mistreatment of horses captured on public land led the Alberta government to create the Horse Capture Regulation under the Stray Animals Act. This regulation was developed to ensure humane treatment of feral horses during round-up and restricted the use of inhumane methods of capture, including the use of snares.

According to the Stray Animals Act individuals releasing animals will be charged for all costs of capturing, identifying, transporting and selling the animal, as well as any damages caused by the animal on private property.

Feral horse counts

2024 feral horse minimum count survey summary

Survey time period: January and February 2024

Equine management zones covered: Clearwater, Sundre, Ghost River and Elbow

Number of horses Counted: 1,478

Minimum counts provide a baseline of horses seen in preferred habitats. These types of surveys are conducted in each individual zone as funding permits with the intent of determining the number of horses on the landscape. It should be noted that there may be more feral horses than those observed through the minimum count.

Minimum counts:

  • 2013: 980
  • 2014: 880
  • 2015: 709
  • 2016: 854
  • 2017: 1,202
  • 2018: 1,712
  • 2019: 1,679
  • 2021: 1,314
  • 2022: 1,178
  • 2023: 1,428
  • 2024: 1,478

How feral horse surveys are conducted