Feral Horse Advisory Committee

The committee provides expert advice to improve feral horse management in Alberta.


  • Open

    Committee work is ongoing.

Who is listening

Ministry of Forestry and Parks


The Feral Horse Advisory Committee discusses tools and options to balance the value many Albertans place on seeing feral horses on the landscape with matters like public safety, protecting wildlife habitat, supporting local industry and ensuring sustainable use of public lands.

The committee offers expert advice to improve feral horse management in Alberta. We are improving past approaches to feral horse management by incorporating new knowledge and the latest science. This includes working with the Office of the Chief Scientist and top Canadian researchers who specialize in feral horse populations from the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary.

Committee mandate

To provide recommendations to government to inform creation and implementation of the feral horse management framework.

For more information, read the committee's Terms of Reference.


The committee includes stakeholders, subject matter experts and key organizations with valuable insight into Alberta’s feral horse population:

  • Alberta Wildlife Federation (formerly Alberta Fish and Game Association)
  • Alberta Professional Outfitters Association
  • Alberta Wilderness Association
  • Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada
  • Helmer Creek Ranch
  • Help Alberta Wildies Society
  • Livestock Identification Services
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Rocky Mountain Forest Range Association
  • Stoney Nakoda First Nation
  • Trout Unlimited
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • West Fraser
  • Wild Horses of Alberta Society

Meeting highlights

March, April and May 2021: Progress and meeting highlights.


The committee provided recommendations to inform the feral horse management framework and continues to advise government on approaches to feral horse management.



Email: feralhorses@gov.ab.ca